Social Contracts Foster Community in the Classroom [video]

A social contract is a contract between two or more people that sets out the rules of behavior between them. It is also an agreement made between two people or a group of people that establishes certain rules of behavior in a specific situation.

A social contract can be used in the classroom to foster community. By setting out the rules of behavior, social contracts help create a safe and comfortable learning environment. By having a social contract, students can feel more confident in their abilities and can better cooperate with classmates.

One way of creating a social contract in the classroom is to have a social activity scheduled for after class. This can help to create a social atmosphere in the classroom as well as a sense of community. By having social activities scheduled, students can feel like they are part of a group and better interact with one another.

A social contract can also be created for group projects. By working together, students can create a project that is special and unique to them. This can help to create ties between students and make them feel more connected. By having group projects, students can learn how to work together and build strong bonds.

Social contracts can be a powerful tool for creating a community in the classroom. By setting out the rules of behavior, students can feel more confident in their abilities and better cooperate with classmates. By having a social contract, students can have a safe and comfortable learning environment. 

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