Socrates Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Socrates Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

  1. Socrates: His Life, Philosophy, & Death
  2. The Parable of the Cave by Socrates
  3. Thoreau, Socrates, and Civil Disobedience
  4. Success of Socrates’ Defense
  5. Greek Philosopher Socrates
  6. Justice for Socrates and Augustine
  7. Socrates on the Justice and Injustice
  8. Socrates’ Conception of Law and Justice
  9. Critical Analysis of Socrates’ (Diotima’s) View of Love
  10. Socrates and Phaedrus: The Art of Persuasion
  11. Plato`s and Socrates`s Philosophy
  12. Organizational Leadership Socrates
  13. Socrates Influence on Plato’s Philosophy
  14. Socrates: Moral Obligation to Civil Law
  15. The Main Difference between Aristotle’s and Socrates’ Account of Virtue
  16. The Compatibility of Aristophanes’ Speech with Socrates’ Ideas
  17. “The Last Days of Socrates” by Plato
  18. Socrates on Death and Virtue
  19. Socrates Versus Euthyphro: Holiness and Piety
  20. Socrates on Teaching and Learning
  21. Socrates by Aristophanes and Plato
  22. Athens Put Socrates and Philosophy on Trial
  23. Piety and Holiness—Dialogue of Socrates and Euthyphro
  24. Philosopher Socrates and the Power of Doubt
  25. Ancient Greek Philosophy: Socrates and Plato Comparison
  26. Socrates in “Phaedrus” by Plato
  27. Socrates’ Views on Life
  28. Why Meletus Raised Charges Against Socrates?
  29. Socrates and His Representations
  30. Socrates as a Founder of Western Philosophy
  31. “The Apology” by Plato: Socrates Accusations
  32. Socrates’ Critique of Cephalus and Polemarchus
  33. “Examined Life” in Socrates’ Thesis
  34. Socrates’ Biography and Philosophical Studies
  35. Plato’s Apology of Socrates
  36. Philosophy of Socrates: Book Reviews
  37. Socrates: Unexamined Life Is Not Worth Living

Good Essay Topics on Socrates

  1. Plato and Socrates on the Ideal Leader’s Virtues
  2. Plato’s “The Apology of Socrates” Speech Analysis
  3. Socrates and His Methods
  4. Socrates’, Plato’s and Descartes’ Philosophical Ideas
  5. Descartes’ and Socrates’ Doubt and Quest for Truth
  6. Socrates as a Christian Thinker
  7. Socrates’ Life and Contributions to Philosophy
  8. Socrates and the Root of Evil
  9. Justice and Injustice in Medea’s and Socrates’ View
  10. Defending Socrates Views on Knowledge and Truth
  11. Communication Theories From Socrates’ Dialogues
  12. Socrates and Descartes: Similarities and Difference
  13. The Teachings of Plato Socrates and Machiavelli
  14. A Better Understanding of Socrates
  15. Basic Theories in Socrates Philosophy
  16. “Socrates’s Apology” by Plato.
  17. Socrates’ and Sophists’ Philosophy Comparison
  18. “Apology of Socrates” by Plato: Socrates’ Defense
  19. Plato’s and Socrates’ Philosophical Views
  20. Socrates and the Purpose of Life
  21. Philosophy Ideas Ascent: Plato’s and Socrates’s Ideas
  22. “The Republic”: Socrates Defense of Justice
  23. Death of Socrates, Painting Analysis
  24. Defense on a Charge Brought Against Socrates
  25. State Obedience in “Crito” by Socrates
  26. Socrates’ “Phaedrus” and H.W. Wells “The Island of Dr.Mareu”
  27. Plato, Aristotle and Socrates: Knowledge and Government
  28. Plato and Socrates: Differences in Personal Philosophy
  29. Greek Philosophies of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle
  30. Socrates as a Classic of Western Philosophy
  31. Socrates’ Apology Critical Analysis
  32. Analysis of Socrates and Plato Theories
  33. Socrates as Depicted in Equal Opportunities
  34. Aristotle’s and Socrates’ Account of Virtue
  35. Plato’s Apology: Is Socrates Guilty?
  36. Rhetoric Definition by Socrates and Gorgios
  37. Why Socrates Does Not Appeal to the Assembly for Mercy?
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