Special Education in Private School: 6 Things to Know

Special education in private schools can be complex, depending on the type of school and the needs of its students. Here are six things to know about special education in private schools:

1. Private schools must adhere to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). This law requires all schools that receive federal funding to provide an appropriate educational program for eligible students with disabilities.

2. Private schools must provide a free and appropriate education to all students with disabilities. This means that the school must provide a specialized education and related services that meet the needs of the individual student.

3. Private schools must provide a 504 Plan. This plan sets out how the school will provide appropriate services to students with disabilities.

4. Private schools must provide due process for students with disabilities. This process includes a review by a qualified individual to determine if the student should receive special education and related services.

5. Private schools must maintain a record of all services provided to students with disabilities. This record must be made available to the student, his or her parents, and the school district in which the school is located.

6. Private schools are not required to provide services to students with disabilities if doing so would significantly interfere with the school’s mission or program.

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