Special Report / Why Students Drop Out

When students at a school drop out, it can have a devastating effect on their future. Often, the reasons for dropping out are complex and multi-layered, but there are some key factors that can increase the likelihood of a student dropping out.

One of the biggest factors that can contribute to a student dropping out is academic difficulty. For example, if a student is struggling in a class, they may feel pressure to drop the class or transfer to a school that is more academically suitable. Additionally, if a student is not enjoying the classes they are taking, they may be less likely to stay motivated and continue with the program.

In addition to academic difficulty, other factors that can contribute to a student dropping out include social problems. If a student is struggling to make friends or to fit in at school, they may be less likely to stay in school. Additionally, if a student is dealing with a personal issue, such as family difficulties, they may be less likely to focus on their studies.

While it is impossible to predict which students will drop out, it is important to understand the factors that can contribute to this outcome. By working to address any academic or social difficulties, schools can help ensure that all students have the opportunity to achieve their potential.

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