Supporting ELLs in the Mainstream Classroom

ELLs are students who have difficulty speaking English as their first language. They are typically identified in kindergarten or first grade, and can suffer from a number of disabilities, such as dyslexia.

In mainstream classrooms, ELLs typically require extra support. This can include individualized instruction, accommodations such as more time on task, and more frequent breaks.

Despite their challenges, ELLs can thrive in mainstream classrooms if given the proper support. Here are a few tips for educators:

1. Be aware of the needs of ELLs.

The first step is recognizing that ELLs are a unique group of students. They require different accommodations in order to succeed in the classroom.

2. Provide individualized instruction.

ELLs typically need more individualized instruction than students who speak English as their first language. This includes providing extra time on task and more frequent breaks.

3. Make accommodations.

Many accommodations can be made in the classroom, such as more time on task or more frequent breaks. It is important to be creative and find what works best for each individual student.

4. Encourage ELLs to speak English.

Many ELLs struggle with speaking English. It is important to encourage them to speak English as much as possible. This can be done by providing support and resources, as well as by modeling good language use.

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