Teachers Observing Teachers: Instructional Rounds

If you are a teacher or a parent, then it is important that you observe your students to learn more about how they are being taught. In addition, you may want to consider observing other teachers to get a better understanding of their instructions and the way that they use teaching tools.

One great way to observe your students is to take them on instructional rounds. Instructional rounds are usually held once a week and are designed to give your students a chance to ask questions and get feedback on their work.

Instructions for conducting an instructional round can be found on the website of your school or on the website of the teacher’s union. You will also want to find a meeting place for the round.

When you are conducting an instructional round, it is important to be aware of your surroundings. You want to make sure that the space in which you are holding the round is quiet and that no students are in the way of your observations.

When you are observing your students, be sure to be aware of their posture, their facial expressions, and their body language. You will want to be able to pick up on changes in instruction that may be occurring.

When making your observations, be sure to be respectful of your students and their privacy. You want to make sure that you are not secretly recording or taking pictures of your students.

When you are finished observing your students, make sure to give them a chance to ask questions and get feedback. You want to make sure that you learn from your students and that you improve your instruction.

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