Teachers Shouldn’t Have to Beg for Quality Supplies and Decent Pay

A teacher’s job is generally a thankless one, and teachers are being denied of things that should ordinarily be provided for them without hassle. With the direct influence they have on the students they teach; one would have expected them to be shown more respect and held in high esteem. Instead, they get meager remuneration, which is not even enough to sustain them in return.

On average, teachers in the United States earn about $51,359 annually, which is barely enough to cover all their living costs. It is quite ironic that the very people who labor to build a great and prosperous future for our kids, and by extension, our country are living in penury. Below are some reasons why teachers shouldn’t have to beg for quality supplies and decent pay.


A teacher is, first and foremost, a protector. Teachers are like second parents who watch over the students in their care. They notice when a student’s attitude suddenly changes or when a student shows signs of abuse (physical, mental, social, or psychological). They notice these changes first because it is their job to pay attention to their students and ensure their general well-being and safety at school.


This a role that teachers fall into naturally without much thought because the job of a mentor is basically to encourage his/her mentees to be the very best they can be. They encourage students to push past their limits and to be at the top in everything they decide to do.

When teachers listen to their students, answer their questions, and encourage them to enjoy the learning process, they indirectly build self-confidence in the students and push them to be successful. This is a way for teachers to mentor and guide their students to take the right path in life regardless of their social background or economic status.

Teachers are role models

This is an intricate part of a teacher’s job in the classroom. Students tend to copy the adults around them, including their teachers. When the teacher is happy, the students are happy because a happy and relaxed teacher would without duress, create a safe, warm, and happy environment for his students. This environment can go a long way in facilitating knowledge acquisition for the students.


This is perhaps the most important job teachers must do because it is their job to teach their students and impart knowledge to them. They conscientiously follow a curriculum throughout the year to achieve their aim of enlightening their students.


Teachers can properly fulfill their jobs only when they are relaxed, happy, and have all the supplies they need to ensure their students get the very best learning experience. Denying teachers these things is hurting the students in their care and tampering with the purpose of education.

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