Teaching Digital Citizenship in the Elementary Classroom

Digital citizenship is a term that has been gaining popularity in recent years. It is defined as the ability to participate effectively in the digital world whether that means understanding the impact of technology on society, being mindful of online safety and protecting personal information, or using digital tools and resources to improve one’s life.

In the elementary classroom, teaching digital citizenship should encompass a number of topics, including how to use technology productively, how to stay safe online, and how to create and share content using digital tools.

One way to start teaching digital citizenship is to have students create digital citizenship profiles. These profiles should include information about the student’s name, age, educational level, and digital skills. Students can then use this information to participate in online discussions, share content, and find resources.

Another way for teaching digital citizenship is to have students create digital portfolios. These portfolios should include examples of their best digital work such as blog posts, photos, and videos. The portfolio can also include information about the student’s digital citizenship skills such as how to use social media responsibly.

It is also important for teachers to create digital literacy lessons.

In addition, teachers can offer cyber-safety workshops.

Overall, teaching digital citizenship in the elementary classroom should encompass a number of topics, including how to use technology productively, how to stay safe online, and how to create and share content using digital tools.

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