Teaching Kids to Give and Receive Quality Peer Feedback

Peer feedback is an essential tool for teaching kids how to give and receive quality feedback. Here are four tips for getting started.

  1. Make Feedback a Regular Part of Your Child’s Developmental Process
    Giving and receiving feedback is a natural part of development. Start giving feedback as soon as your child begins to show signs of developing critical thinking and communication skills. This will help them learn how to give and receive feedback in constructive ways.
  1. Model the Appropriate Behavior
    It’s important that you model the appropriate behavior when giving and receiving feedback. Make sure you’re taking the time to listen and understand your child’s perspective. If you’re reacting negatively, your child will likely do the same.
  1. Avoid Giving Too Much Feedback
    Too much feedback can be confusing and overwhelming. Try to give feedback that’s specific, relevant, and helpful. Keep in mind that kids need time to process feedback. Give feedback sporadically and wait for a response before providing additional feedback.
  2. Make Feedback Relevant to the Situation
    It’s important to make feedback relevant to the situation. This will help your child understand why the feedback was given and what the consequences could be. Use examples when possible to make feedback more understandable.
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