Teaching & Learning Strategies, Concepts, and Terms That Every Teacher Must Know: Letters AB-AC

To be considered a competent educator, there are almost 2000 strategies, concepts, and terms that you must know. However, since teachers wear so many hats, who has the time to learn them all? Don’t worry; we have you covered. In this series, we will discuss all the teaching and learning strategies, concepts, and terms that you need to know to be considered an effective educator. There are over 70 articles in this series, so pace yourself. We recommend reading one piece per weekday, which will allow you to complete the series in three to four months. We hope you enjoy it.

Click here to read all the articles in this series.

Absolute Approach A form of program evaluation where a student’s activities are evaluated by their own merit without comparison to previous submissions.

Absorbent Mind Montessori’s theory of how children learn – through taking in their environment and experiences.

Abstract Referent A concept in the meaning of certain words that do not evoke a clear visual image. Examples of such words include way, there, and democracy.

Academic Advisor A faculty member at a K-12 school, college or university who is charged with guiding students on educational matters. This could include course selections, the choosing of a major, or finding the right internship.

Academic Self-Concept How a student interprets their own academic achievement or efforts.

Academic Vocabulary Content-related vocabulary used in an academic setting.

Academically-Oriented Programs A school or program that strives to teach more academic concepts instead of play-based programs. They focus more on pre-academic skills and preparation for future educational success.

Accessible Text A text that students can read. It may be adapted with scaffolded outlines, study guides, rewritten texts, and leveled texts.

Accommodations A tool or procedure that gives equal access to the teaching and learning process for students with disabilities.

Accreditation Is a procedure in which certification of aptitude, authority, or trustworthiness is presented.

Accreditation Is a regional or national stamp of approval and is an affirmation that the school’s educational programs meet quality standards. In higher education, a university may seek accreditation for its overall academic program, but it doesn’t stop there. Colleges/schools and their departments/programs must also become accredited. For instance, a college/school of education worth its salt will seek CAEP accreditation, and its departments/programs will also seek accreditation via CAEP. Ultimately, accreditation can assure potential students that the university and its programs are respected.

Accuracy (word) The capacity to read the word properly the first time. Accuracy is essential for fluency and comprehension.

Achievement Gap The term “achievement gap” refers to the gap between the test scores of low-income students (or students of color) and their wealthier (or white) peers. There are dozens of theories on why this gap continues to exist and what we can do to bring low-income students’ achievement levels up.

Achievement Gaps The difference in academic achievement that exists between various groups; racial, ethnic, language, gender, etc.

Achievement Growth Academic progress that is accomplished over a period, as assessed at the onset and end of a specified time. It can be calculated for countries, states, cities, schools, or students, and many variables and strategies can be used to determine if “growth” has occurred.

Achievement Motivation The desire to accomplish something successfully and to partake in activities.

Achievement Test An assessment of a student’s mastery of a skill or topic as the result of instruction.

Achievement-affliction The struggle a student faces between trying to achieve balance and a need for validation through exhibiting success.

Acquisition A level of learning and ability that a proves child can now successfully demonstrate the basic requirements for a particular skill.

Acrostic Poems A poetry form in which students write, vertically on a page, a word or phrase that is central to their poem and then use each letter to begin a line of the poem that describes or refers to the topic.

ACT (American College Test) A uniform college entrance assessment that is administered by the American College Test program. Students are given multiple choice exams that measure their knowledge of English, math, reading, and science, and one optional writing test measures essay management and writing skills. The majority of students take the exam during their junior or senior year in high school

Acting White The attitude that some symbols, events, actions or expressions are inappropriate for use by members of minority communities because they are typical of white Americans and viewed as symbolic of oppressors.

Action Terms Names for objects that are associated with actions. Action terms are typically used in early language to represent things the child considers extremely important.

Active Teachers Are teachers who proactively seek to make advancements and improvements in all areas of education.

Activities of Daily Living Basic activities that include regular daily tasks such as bathing, dressing, toileting, grooming, eating, and sleeping. Activities of daily living may sometimes be referred to as self-help or adaptive skills.

Activity-Based Approach An approach to instruction that makes teachable moments out of naturally occurring, everyday activities.

Actual Development Development measured by monitoring and observing independent problem-solving.

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