Teaching & Learning Strategies, Concepts, and Terms That Every Teacher Must Know: Letters AS

To be considered a competent educator, there are almost 2000 strategies, concepts, and terms that you must know. However, since teachers wear so many hats, who has the time to learn them all? Don’t worry; we have you covered. In this series, we will discuss all the teaching and learning strategies, concepts, and terms that you need to know to be considered an effective educator. There are over 70 articles in this series, so pace yourself. We recommend reading one piece per weekday, which will allow you to complete the series in three to four months. We hope you enjoy it.

Click here to read all the articles in this series.

Asperger’s Syndrome This condition is considered to be a form of high-functioning autism with fewer of the language and cognitive deficits. Many of these children primarily struggle with social interactions and an inability to recognize the nonverbal cues of the people around them. However, it may also present itself with a delay in motor skills compared to peers.

Assertive Discipline Classroom management approach based on the fact that teachers have the power to ask and require specific actions from students, but this approach still has students’ best interests in mind. Canter found that teachers who use this discipline are not authoritarian, because they are forceful yet calm in enforcing the rules and limits. This discipline allows teachers to present clear rules. It gives students the clear idea that misbehaviors have consequences and that, if they want positive consequences instead of negative ones, they can make choices that will lead to positive consequences.

Assessment Serves as an individual evaluation system, and as a way to compare performance across a spectrum and populations. However, with so many different kinds of assessments for so many different organizations available (and often required) these days, it can sometimes be hard to keep the real purpose of assessing in view. So, what’s really at the heart of all these assessments

Assignment Mastery A reading strategy meant to give readers self-assessment techniques by asking specific questions during each of the various phases of reading (such as scanning, preparation for reading, recitation and review, and reading review).

Assimilation Refers to a process of gradual, but imposed, adjustment to and absorption of the values, attitudes, and customs of a new culture until conformity is established. This new culture is often the dominant culture in the area or country.

Assimilationist Position The opinion that an important component of success in the United States is conformity with the laws, language, and culture of the Caucasian majority.

Assistantship A financial aid award that is given to graduate students to assist them in paying for tuition, in return, they serve in positions such as teaching or research assistantships.

Assistive Technology Is any device or piece of equipment that helps compensate for a person’s disability.

Associate’s An undergraduate degree that is given to a student by a college or university after the completion of a degree program, which typically lasts two years.

Associative Play The act of engaging in recreational activities in similar ways to parallel play, but with more interaction between the participants including sharing, taking turns, and having a general interest in the activities of the others.

Associative Words Words that frequently occur together. Examples include, “happy” and “birthday,” and “bacon” and “eggs.”

Assumptive Teaching  A type of instruction resulting from teachers’ inaccurate assumptions about students’ abilities, which leads to discord between the teaching program and the learner.

Asynchronous Development The tendency of gifted children to be at a state of mental development beyond their age, physical development or other areas of development.

Asynchronous Elearning Elearning that takes place outside of the classroom. This is a good way of motivating students to pursue autonomous private study.

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