Teaching Students About Ancient Chinese Pottery

Ancient Chinese pottery is a fascinating and important art form that has endured for thousands of years. As a teacher, it is important to educate students about this art form and its historical significance in Chinese culture. Here are some ways to teach students about ancient Chinese pottery.

Explaining the History of Ancient Chinese Pottery

The history of Chinese pottery began over 9,000 years ago with the creation of painted pottery in the Neolithic period. Students should know that pottery played a significant role in the lives of ancient Chinese people. It not only provided them with functional objects for cooking and storage but also served as a form of artistic expression.

Introduction to Key Techniques

One of the most important techniques of ancient Chinese pottery was “coiling”. This technique involved rolling long strips of clay into rope-like shapes. These coils were then stacked on top of each other and smoothed out to form a vessel. Another essential technique was “slipcasting”, which involved creating molds and pouring liquefied clay into them, allowing the clay to harden and form the desired shape.

Innovations in Ancient Chinese Pottery

In addition to introducing students to key techniques, it is also important to highlight some of the innovations that ancient Chinese potters achieved. For example, they were the first to develop high-fired ceramics, such as porcelain, which was highly prized for its translucency and whiteness. The use of glaze was also an innovation, which provided vessels with a smooth and shiny surface.

Teaching Pottery Making

Another way to teach students about ancient Chinese pottery is to let them experience the joy and challenges of pottery making. Set up a pottery studio for students to make their pottery using the techniques used by ancient Chinese potters. They can also decorate their creations using traditional Chinese designs or contemporary designs.


Teaching students about ancient Chinese pottery is an important part of exposing them to Chinese culture and art. By learning about the techniques, history, innovations, and by creating their pottery, they can experience the beauty and creativity that this art form provides. By nurturing an appreciation for ancient Chinese pottery, students will not only develop cultural literacy but also foster a love and appreciation for art.  

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