Teaching Students About Beetlejuice of the Howard Stern Show

Every so often, a genuinely unique character emerges into the spotlight, showcasing their authenticity like a thriving beacon of individuality. One such individual, beloved by many for his contributions to The Howard Stern Show, is Lester Green, better known as Beetlejuice. While some may argue that teaching a student about Beetlejuice might be unconventional or irrelevant, there is a lot that can be learned from this diminutive yet fascinating character.

Incorporating Beetlejuice’s appearances on The Howard Stern Show into lessons can offer students insight into various aspects of life. Here’s how educators can effectively engage students by using Beetlejuice as a learning tool in the classroom.

1. Perseverance and Self-Confidence:

While life has not been easy for Beetlejuice due to his short stature and intellectual disabilities, he continues to exude confidence and an unwavering zest for life. Using Beetlejuice in the classroom can teach valuable lessons about embracing one’s identity and embodying perseverance in the face of adversity.

2. Understanding Disabilities:

Discussing Beetlejuice’s microcephaly and dwarfism provides students with an opportunity to learn about these conditions and how they can impact an individual’s quality of life while broadening their empathy towards those who experience disabilities.

3. The Role of Humor:

Beetlejuice has served as comic relief for millions of Howard Stern listeners. Educators could use his appearances on The Howard Stern Show to discuss how humor functions as a coping mechanism and facilitates conversations around challenging subjects.

4. Exploring Pop Culture:

Beetlejuice has become somewhat of an icon among fans of The Howard Stern Show. Introducing him to students inadvertently ushers them into an exploration of other facets of popular culture from the past few decades.

5. Pursuing Dreams Despite Obstacles:

Despite all the challenges Beetlejuice faces, he has found success in the world of entertainment. His appearances on television shows and in movies demonstrate that one does not have to adhere to society’s expectations of success or perfection to forge a unique path.

In conclusion

Utilizing Beetlejuice’s story in your curriculum can offer an unconventional and engaging way to teach students about perseverance, disabilities, humor, culture, and breaking the mold. Howard Stern’s unforgettable sidekick serves as a striking reminder that accepting one’s quirks and embracing individuality is fundamental to living a fulfilling and authentic life.

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