Teaching Students About Bo Peep in Toy Story

Toy Story is a beloved franchise not only because of its captivating storytelling but also because of its rich character development. The character of Bo Peep is no exception. Teaching your students about Bo Peep – her role in the story throughout the films and her transformation over time – can provide an engaging lesson in animation history and popular culture.

Background on Bo Peep

Bo Peep, one of the primary characters in the Toy Story universe, was first introduced as Woody’s love interest in the 1995 movie. She is a porcelain shepherdess figurine that belongs to Andy’s younger sister, Molly. Bo is gentle, feminine, and caring – traits that perfectly balance Woody’s bravado.

Bo Peep’s Evolution

Throughout the four installments of Toy Story, Bo Peep undergoes significant transformations. In Toy Story 2 (1999), she is relegated to a minor role with only a few scenes dedicated to her story. By the third movie (2010), Bo has been entirely sold or given away, making her absence a strong subplot that further develops Woody’s character.

Finally, in Toy Story 4 (2019), Bo Peep makes a surprising and powerful return as a resourceful, independent character who saves the day alongside Woody and friends. This newfound empowerment illustrates how animated characters can evolve over time to reflect societal changes and challenges traditional gender roles.

Teaching Strategies

To effectively teach your students about Bo Peep and engage them in discussions about her role in the films, you can employ several teaching strategies:

1. Screening clips: Show impactful scenes featuring Bo Peep from various installments of Toy Story to demonstrate her character development over time.

2. Group discussion: Encourage discussions amongst the students about their observations of Bo Peep’s transformation and how they think her character reflects societal changes surrounding gender roles.

3. Art project: Have students create their depiction or interpretation of Bo Peep to further explore her role and attributes within the Toy Story films.

4. Guest speaker: Invite animation professionals or professors to provide context on the historical significance of Bo Peep’s character and the broader impacts it had on the animation industry.

5. Comparative analysis: Provide other examples of characters from different franchises that underwent similar transformations, enabling students to contrast how filmmakers and animators adapt characters over time.


Teaching your students about Toy Story’s Bo Peep not only offers a chance for them to delve deeper into the realm of animation but also provides an opportunity to engage in essential discussions surrounding societal changes and evolving gender roles. By showcasing her character development throughout the Toy Story franchise, you can offer a valuable lesson in animation history, storytelling, and popular culture.

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