Teaching Students About Brian Benben

Introductory Paragraph:

Brian Benben is an American actor whose steady career spans across multiple decades, genres and roles. Although not in the same limelight as some Hollywood megastars, his acting skills and contributions to the industry are significant. It’s essential to teach students about noteworthy figures like Brian Benben, as he represents an aspect of nuance and depth that young actors should appreciate and emulate.

Early Life:

Born in Winchester, Virginia on June 18, 1956, Brian Benben enjoyed a humble upbringing. From a young age, he discovered a passion for acting, which led him to pursue studies in this field at Ulster County Community College in upstate New York. Eventually finding his way to the prestigious Actor’s Studio in New York City, these strong foundations shaped his career and inspired generations of young performers.

Career Highlights: 

Brian Benben’s most notable role came when he starred as famed radio host Martin Tupper in the hit television series “Dream On” (1990-1996). This witty comedy offered an innovative angle for storytelling through Martin’s use of movie clips from yesteryear to express emotions and reactions. As a groundbreaking piece, it remains relatable even today and showcases Brian’s innate talent for comedic flair.

During his long career, Brian appeared in TV series such as “Private Practice” (2008-2012), where he played Dr. Sheldon Wallace, and had guest appearances on well-known shows like “Scandal”(2013). His filmography includes titles like “Radioland Murders”(1994), “I Come In Peace”(1990), and “Clean Slate”(1994).

Teaching Students About Brian Benben:

Students should study Brian Benben’s work for several reasons:

1) Versatility: Brian’s ability to excel in different genres, from comedy to drama, demonstrates his incredible range as an actor. By delving into his filmography, students can gain an insight into different acting techniques and a wide scope of emotions portrayed through his various roles.

2) Professionalism: Brian Benben’s commitment to craft is evident in the longevity of his career. Students should study his habits on set and learn about the dedication and effort necessary to maintain a resilient acting career in a fiercely competitive industry.

3) Unconventional Path: In a world that frequently emphasizes instant stardom and big-budget productions, Brian Benben’s career exemplifies a more grounded approach to success – one built on hard work, passion, and perseverance.

To integrate Brian Benben into teaching students, educators can:

– Incorporate scenes from “Dream On” or other works by Brian Benben as case studies in both performance analysis and the history of television.

– Encourage students to research various acting techniques used by Brian throughout his career, discussing their findings in class or presenting it as assignments.

– Invite guest speakers who have worked with Brian Benben or are knowledgeable about his career to share stories and insights with the student body.


Brian Benben is a testament to artistic commitment, collaboration, and adaptability. His extensive body of work serves as an excellent educational resource for burgeoning actors. By incorporating Brian’s experiences into teaching curriculums, educators can help students grasp essential aspects of acting while shedding light on an overlooked yet talented figure in the entertainment industry.

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