Teaching Students About Brian Jones

When discussing the history of rock and roll, one cannot ignore the incredible impact and legacy left behind by Brian Jones, founder of the Rolling Stones. As an educator, it’s important to educate our students about key individuals like Jones, who took the genre to new heights and inspired generations of musicians to come.

Early Life

Brian Jones was born on February 28, 1942 in Cheltenham, England. He grew up in a middle-class family with a keen interest in music. At a young age, he developed a passion for playing various instruments such as the guitar, keyboards, harmonica, and drums. As a student, you can teach them about his early struggles and determination to find his way within the music world.

Formation of the Rolling Stones

In 1962, Brian Jones officially founded the Rolling Stones along with Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Ian Stewart, Bill Wyman, and Charlie Watts. To teach students about this crucial moment in rock history, discuss how Jones placed an advertisement in Jazz News looking for members to form a rhythm and blues group that would eventually evolve into one of the most significant bands in music history.

Musical Contributions

It’s essential for students to understand Brian Jones’ versatile skills as a multi-instrumentalist played a critical role in shaping their early sound. Some notable examples include his slide guitar work on “Little Red Rooster,” marimba playing on “Under My Thumb,” recorder and piano parts on “Ruby Tuesday,” and sitar playing on “Paint It Black.”

Jones’ unique ability to incorporate these various instruments into their songs made it stand out from other bands during this era. Additionally, present-day musicians still draw inspiration from his innovative approach to weaving diverse instruments into rock music.

Personal Challenges

Apart from his musical contributions, it is also essential for students to learn about Brian Jones’ personal struggles, as it offers valuable lessons about the consequences of drug abuse. During his time with the Rolling Stones, Jones was known for using various substances which ultimately led to his declining health and diminishing role within the band.

In June 1969, he was dismissed from the Rolling Stones due to his erratic behavior and inability to commit to their upcoming concert tour. Tragically, just one month later, Brian Jones was found dead in his swimming pool at the age of 27. While the circumstances around his death remain controversial, discussing this part of Jones’ life can help educate students about the importance of mental health and self-care.


Brian Jones will forever be remembered as a pioneer in rock music and an essential figure in shaping the sound of several iconic Rolling Stones tracks. To expand on this topic, you can encourage your students to listen to their early albums and pay attention to Brian’s instrumental contributions.

By educating students about remarkable individuals like Brian Jones, we honor their work while simultaneously providing an engaging way for learners to immerse themselves in music history.

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