Teaching Students About Chris Mccandless

Chris McCandless, a young man who ventured into the Alaskan wilderness and tragically perished, serves as an enigmatic figure and source of inspiration for many, especially the younger generations. Teaching students about his life and journey can help them contemplate their own values, passions, and preparedness for taking risks. This article will discuss various ways educators can incorporate Chris McCandless’s story into their curriculum to encourage critical thinking and self-discovery in students.

1. Introducing the Book “Into the Wild”

Jon Krakauer’s 1996 non-fiction book, “Into the Wild,” is where it all begins. Introducing students to Chris McCandless’s story through this book allows them to understand his perspective on society, materialism and conventional life. Educators may use the book to lead group discussions or assign individual study and reflection tasks.

2. Analyzing themes and issues

As students read the book, they can be encouraged to engage with themes like individualism vs. collectivism, materialism vs. anti-materialism, rebellion vs. conformity, and risk-taking vs. caution. These themes can spark lively debates, providing ample opportunities for critical thinking and personal reflection.

3. Documentaries and movies

To enhance students’ understanding of Chris McCandless’s adventure, teachers can screen related documentaries or movies like Sean Penn’s 2007 film adaptation of “Into the Wild.” By comparing different interpretations of his journey through various forms of media, students can be guided towards constructive analysis while exploring diverse viewpoints regarding his choices.

4. Addressing criticism

Teaching about Chris McCandless shouldn’t be solely focused on celebrating his journey; addressing criticisms surrounding his choices provides a balanced view of his life. Students should be prompted to consider whether he was courageous or foolhardy and explore the responsibilities attached to such decisions.

5. Inspirational writing prompts

Chris McCandless’s story can inspire students to write about their own dreams, passions, and experiences. Teachers may ask students to contemplate what they would give up for adventure or reflect on their values and priorities in life. Such prompts can encourage introspection in young minds.

6. Discussion on preparedness and safety

An important part of teaching students about Chris McCandless is discussing the importance of being prepared for any adventure they undertake. Emphasize the need for proper planning, safety measures, and seeking guidance from experienced individuals. This valuable lesson should stay with them throughout their lives.

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