Teaching Students About Dylan Klebold


Dylan Klebold, one of the perpetrators of the Columbine High School massacre in 1999, remains a topic of discussion for educators, psychologists, and society at large. It is essential to educate students on his actions, background, beliefs and, most importantly, what factors may have led to this tragic event. This article provides an overview of both the importance of teaching students about Dylan Klebold and a comprehensive approach to doing so.

Teaching the Facts

1. Historical Context: It is crucial to provide an accurate historical context in which the Columbine tragedy occurred. Discuss the state of school shootings in the United States before Columbine and how this event brought forth significant changes in school safety measures and gun control laws.

2. Understanding Dylan Klebold’s Background: Provide an in-depth look into his upbringing, family dynamics, friendships, academic performance, and mental health issues.

3. The Relationship between Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris: Analyze the friendship between Dylan and his accomplice Eric Harris, focusing on how their bond may have contributed to their extreme actions.

4. Warning Signs Missed: Enumerate the warning signs that were identified after the tragedy and reflect on how recognizing these signs could have helped prevent such events.

Understanding the Complexities

1. The Role of Mental Health: Educate students on various mental health conditions and discuss how depression and suicidal thoughts played a significant role in Klebold’s behavior leading up to the shooting.

2. Identifying Struggling Students: Addressing bullying as one contributing factor to Columbine encourages students to be more aware of their environments and identify peers who may need help or intervention from adults.

3. The Impact of Media and Culture: Examine how movies, video games, books or music that glorify violence could have influenced Dylan’s world view.

Facilitating Constructive Discussion

1. Create a Safe Space: Encourage open and honest discussion among students, allowing them to express their thoughts, feelings, and concerns. Ensure they understand that varying opinions are respected within the classroom setting.

2. Critical Thinking: Promote critical thinking skills by asking thought-provoking questions and providing resources for further investigation into the topic.

3. Empathy and Understanding: Encourage empathy by challenging students to place themselves in another’s situation and understand multiple perspectives related to Dylan Klebold’s story.

4. Prevention and Advocacy: Discuss the importance of speaking up when something seems amiss and working together to create inclusive environments that discourage bullying and promote positive mental health.


Teaching students about Dylan Klebold is an opportunity to explore topics such as mental health, bullying, peer relationships, and societal influences that contribute to violence. By providing factual information, encouraging critical thinking, fostering empathy, and promoting advocacy for preventative measures, educators can help students better understand Klebold’s story. The insights gained from such discussions will guide future generations in identifying potential warning signs in their social environments and working together to prevent tragedies like Columbine from happening again.

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