Teaching Students About John Entwistle

When it comes to teaching students about the history of rock music, few individuals have had as much of an impact as John Entwistle. As the bassist for The Who, his innovative techniques and powerful playing style forever changed the way that the bass guitar was viewed in a rock band setting. From his revolutionary use of strings to his penchant for playing with a pick, Entwistle’s unique style deserves to be discussed in depth with aspiring young musicians. This article will explore how best to teach students about John Entwistle’s contributions to music.

The Beginning:

It’s important to start by giving students some context about who John Entwistle was and where he came from. Born in 1944 in Chiswick, London, England, he was introduced to the piano at an early age but eventually came across the bass guitar when he joined Roger Daltrey’s band, The Detours. Finding this instrument more suited to his natural abilities, Entwistle quickly established a reputation as one of the best bass players around.

The Techniques:

John Entwistle is best known for his innovative techniques on the bass guitar. Teach your students how he used aggressive playing styles that examined every aspect of the instrument – from fast finger-picking to harmonic manipulation. Discuss how he innovated by using Treble frequencies rather than just focusing on Bass tones. Emphasize how these techniques contributed to The Who’s signature sound and made them stand out from other bands of their time.

The Equipment:

Entwistle was known for constantly experimenting with equipment and modifying his instruments. Share with your students examples of how he customized nearly every part of his gear – from pickups, strings (particularly using heavier gauge strings), amps, and effects pedals. It’s essential for them to understand how this constant tweaking allowed him to create a unique sound that was an integral part of The Who’s musical identity.

The Impact on Music:

Highlight John Entwistle’s influence on both his contemporaries and aspiring musicians. Many bassists, including legends like Geddy Lee and Sting, have cited Entwistle as a crucial inspiration. Even today, countless musicians from various genres continue to be shaped by his playing style and unique tonal qualities. Help your students see that Entwistle’s innovations and dedication to the art made him a true legend in the world of music.


Teaching students about John Entwistle provides them with the opportunity to study a groundbreaking musician who changed the landscape of rock music. His techniques, experimentation, and influence on other musicians should be celebrated to help students understand the importance of taking risks in their own creativity. Sharing John Entwistle’s story is as much about celebrating his achievements as inspiring the next generation to push the boundaries of their own musical innovations.

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