Teaching Students About Kathryn Crosby

Kathryn Crosby, born Olive Kathryn Grandstaff, was an American actress and singer who found fame in the 1950s and 1960s. She enjoyed a successful career as a performer on stage, screen, and television and later became a dedicated philanthropist. Educators can inspire their students by teaching them about this remarkable woman’s life and her positive impact on society.

Early Life and Career

Born on November 25, 1933, in Houston, Texas, Kathryn explored her passion for performing arts from a young age. She began her professional career as a model before transitioning to acting in the early 1950s. Under the stage name ‘Kathryn Grant,’ she landed several roles that helped boost her career, such as playing a minor role in the film “Mr. Cory” (1957) starring Tony Curtis.

Marriage to Bing Crosby

In 1957, Kathryn Grant married the legendary entertainer Bing Crosby. After their marriage, she appeared alongside her husband in several films like “The Bing Crosby Show,” showcasing her talent as both an actress and singer. Though their union raised eyebrows due to their significant age difference—Bing was thirty years older than Kathryn—the couple had a loving relationship that lasted until Bing’s death in 1977.

Philanthropic Activities

After Bing’s passing, Kathryn shifted her focus from acting to philanthropy. She played an active role in managing the charitable projects of the Crosby family, which included overseeing a foundation that supported educational institutions and hospitals. Additionally, she continued participating in various community service projects to advocate for wildlife preservation—another issue close to her heart.

Teaching Students About Kathryn Crosby

There are several ways to incorporate lessons about Kathryn Crosby into your curriculum:

1. Discuss Her Acting Career: Show students clips of some of her best-known films and television appearances, discussing how her talent contributed to the success of these productions.

2. Teach About Philanthropy: Explore the concept of giving back to society by highlighting Kathryn’s dedication to philanthropy and her commitment to various causes like education and wildlife preservation. Encourage students to research more about these causes and consider how they can be involved in giving back.

3. Demonstrate Perseverance: Kathryn Crosby’s story is an excellent example of perseverance and overcoming challenges—whether dealing with the skepticism surrounding her marriage or finding a new purpose after a successful acting career. Lead a discussion with students about how resilience and adaptability can lead to personal growth.

4. Creative Writing: Encourage students to write their fictional story or screenplay featuring Kathryn Crosby or inspired by her life, allowing them to express their thoughts on her career and legacy creatively.


Teaching students about trailblazers like Kathryn Crosby helps them recognize the importance of determination, philanthropy, and overcoming obstacles. By incorporating lessons about her life into your curriculum, you can inspire your students to pursue their passions and make meaningful contributions to society.

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