Teaching Students About Loretta Young


Teaching students about historical figures is an essential part of their education, opening their eyes to new perspectives and understanding the impact people have made on the world. Loretta Young, an iconic Hollywood actress and philanthropist, is an excellent figure to incorporate into classroom lessons. This article will discuss Loretta Young’s life, accomplishments, and how to teach students about her contributions.

Loretta Young’s Early Life and Career

Loretta Young was born on January 6, 1913, in Salt Lake City, Utah. She made her acting debut at the tender age of four in silent films. Later, with the advent of talking pictures, Young rose to fame and became a leading actress of her time.

Her prolific film career spanned over three decades. Young acted in over 100 films alongside prominent actors such as Clark Gable, Spencer Tracy, and David Niven. Some of her most notable films include “The Farmer’s Daughter” (1947), for which she won an Academy Award for Best Actress, and “Come to the Stable” (1949), which garnered another Oscar nomination.

Television Success and Philanthropy

Even after achieving immense fame in the film industry, Loretta Young successfully transitioned to television. Her long-running show “The Loretta Young Show” (1953-1961) was a critically acclaimed anthology series that featured her in various roles.

Apart from her illustrious acting career, Loretta Young dedicated much of her time and resources to numerous charitable causes. She focused on supporting the welfare of children and families by raising funds for organizations like The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and helped in founding a summer camp for underprivileged children.

Ways to Teach Students About Loretta Young

1. Film Screenings: Screen select films starring Loretta Young to introduce students to her work and discuss themes, acting styles, and the film industry of the time.

2. Documentaries and Biographies: Encourage students to explore documentaries and biographies on Loretta Young’s life. This will give them an insight into her career, philanthropic pursuits, and influence in the entertainment industry.

3. Research Projects: Assign research projects that allow students to delve deeper into Loretta Young’s contributions to both Hollywood and philanthropy. Students can present their findings through essays, presentations, or class discussions.

4. Time Period Study: Incorporate a broader lesson on the history of early Hollywood and major events of the mid-20th century that shaped Loretta Young’s life. Discuss how societal changes during this era influenced movies and television.

5. Art Inspirations: Have students engage in creative projects inspired by Loretta Young’s work, such as designing movie posters or writing short stories that could be adapted into anthology series episodes similar to “The Loretta Young Show.”


Loretta Young is an inspiring figure who can provide students with insights into the life of an iconic actress while emphasizing her dedication to philanthropic causes. By exploring her filmography, charitable initiatives, and her impact on Hollywood history, teachers can create engaging lesson plans centered around the life and legacy of Loretta Young.

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