Teaching Students About Prussia and Frederick the Great


The history of Prussia and its most famous ruler, Frederick the Great, is a fascinating and essential topic for students studying European history. This article aims to guide educators in teaching their students about Prussia and its significance under the leadership of King Frederick II, who reigned from 1740 to 1786.

Background on Prussia

Prussia emerged as a significant European power in the 18th century under the guidance of Frederick II. Geographically located in what is now Germany and Poland, Prussia was a monarchy that managed to rapidly expand both its territory and influence throughout Europe during this time. This expansion can be largely attributed to the progressive policies implemented by Frederick the Great.

Frederick the Great’s Military Successes

One of the primary reasons for Prussia’s rise to prominence under Frederick’s rule was his excellence as a military strategist. He reformed the Prussian military, implementing disciplined training regimens and introducing new tactics that helped shape one of Europe’s most powerful forces at the time. He recognized that many European nations were updating their weaponry and tactics, and he sought to keep pace with these changes.

Some notable military victories during his reign include:

– The War of Austrian Succession (1740-1748)

– The Seven Years’ War (1756-1763)

Through these conflicts, Frederick demonstrated his proficiency as a commander and significantly expanded his kingdom’s domain.

Enlightened Absolutism

Another key aspect of Frederick’s rule was his adoption of Enlightened Absolutism. An advocate of Enlightenment ideals such as rationalism and secularism, he promoted religious tolerance, undertook extensive judicial reforms, which included simplifying laws and reducing censorship. He also supported arts, literature, and science – inviting eminent figures like Voltaire to his court – which led to advancements in various fields.

Teaching Strategies

When teaching about Prussia and Frederick the Great, educators should focus on several key points:

1. Provide historical context – Give students an understanding of the historical backdrop during Frederick’s reign. This enables them to comprehend the reasons behind his policies and tactics.

2. Highlight key military victories and techniques – By examining decisive battles and warfare strategies, students can understand the extent of Prussia’s meteoric rise to prominence.

3. Analyze Enlightened Absolutism – Encourage students to explore the intersection between governance and Enlightenment ideals in Frederick’s reign.

4. Explore cultural impacts – Showcasing Frederick’s patronage of arts, literature, and science demonstrates how he helped shape the intellectual landscape of his time.

5. Compare with other rulers – Make connections to other European rulers during this era to exemplify Frederick’s unique leadership approach.


Frederick the Great remains one of history’s most influential monarchs, leading Prussia into becoming a European powerhouse. Teaching students about his military prowess, innovative governance style, and commitment to culture provides them with a comprehensive understanding of Prussian history and its significance in shaping contemporary Europe.

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