Teaching Students About the Classic Film: My Two Dads

The classic 1987 film, “My Two Dads,” became an emblematic representation of alternative family structures in popular media. The movie follows the lives of two single men who are unexpectedly awarded joint custody of a teenage girl after her mother, who had past relationships with both men, passes away. It marked a seminal point in the portrayal of diverse families on the big screen and provided a springboard for conversations about family diversity, acceptance, and love. This article aims to explore the educational ideas surrounding the movie and provides suggestions on ways to teach students about “My Two Dads.”

Importance of Family Diversity Education

Before diving into teaching methods, it’s essential to highlight why educating students about family diversity is crucial. In an increasingly globalized world, students are continuously exposed to different cultures, backgrounds, and family arrangements. By exposing them early to this variety and fostering an environment that encourages understanding and acceptance, educators can help reduce prejudice and promote empathy.

Approaching “My Two Dads” in the Classroom

1. Movie Screening: The first step in introducing the movie is organizing a classroom screening. Before showing it, discuss essential themes with your students like love, responsibility, family diversity, and friendship.

2. Post-Movie Discussion: After watching the film, engage your students in an open conversation about its themes. Include thought-provoking questions such as:

– What did you learn or observe about different family types?

– How did the characters evolve throughout the movie?

– How important was communication in resolving conflicts?

3. Poster Project: Encourage your students to create posters featuring various family structures they’ve observed or learned about from different cultures or countries. Additionally, ask them to include the themes discussed previously (love, responsibility, friendship). Display these around the classroom to serve as constant reminders for accepting and understanding diversity.

4. Writing Assignment: Have your students write an essay or personal reflection on “My Two Dads,” as well as their observations and thoughts about family diversity. Encourage them to share their experiences with different family structures and how they understand the value of accepting diverse families.

5. Role-Playing Activity: Organize role-playing scenarios that generate discussions about overcoming challenges and finding common ground in diverse families. This activity can be an excellent opportunity for students to develop empathy and problem-solving skills from different perspectives.

6. Research Project: Ask your students to research other movies or TV shows featuring non-traditional families (e.g., “The Fosters,” “Modern Family”). They can analyze and present their findings on how these productions have contributed to promoting acceptance and understanding of family diversity.


Teaching students about “My Two Dads” provides an invaluable opportunity to discuss important themes such as love, responsibility, friendship, and acceptance in the context of diverse family structures. By incorporating a variety of activities like movie screenings, discussions, projects, writing assignments, role-playing, and research, educators can help shape a more empathetic and understanding future generation, appreciative of our unique – and sometimes unconventional – families.

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