Teaching Students About “The Daily Stormer”


The emergence of the internet has unlocked an information goldmine but also led to the proliferation of various forms of content, some controversial and potentially harmful. As educators, it’s essential to equip students with the skills to navigate and evaluate the credibility of various sources. One such controversial source is The Daily Stormer, an American-based neo-Nazi website known for publishing hate speech and conspiracy theories. Teaching students about The Daily Stormer can serve as a valuable lesson in critical thinking and media literacy.

Understanding the Background of The Daily Stormer

Before diving into specific activities and discussions with your students, it’s important to provide some context about The Daily Stormer. The site was established in 2013 by Andrew Anglin, an extremist figure associated with white supremacist ideologies. It gained popularity during the 2016 presidential campaign and was subsequently involved in promoting hate speech, racism, xenophobia, and antisemitism.

Despite facing multiple bans and lawsuits, The Daily Stormer resurfaced several times in different domains and continued to publish offensive content. In discussing this background information with your students, encourage them to think critically about why sites like these exist and what motivates people to create or follow them.

Analyzing Biases

One essential aspect of media literacy is learning to identify biases present in news sources. Encourage your students to analyze articles from various sources, including The Daily Stormer, to identify any explicit or implicit biases. Have them compare those articles against more reputable sources.

By closely scrutinizing content for bias, students can better understand how hate speech works and how media outlets manipulate information for nefarious purposes.

Recognizing Triggering Language

The language used in these articles can often evoke strong emotions among readers. Teach your students how to identify emotional triggers and manipulative language aimed at generating reactions or promoting specific beliefs.

Teach students about logical fallacies and misleading information techniques, such as generalization or cherry-picking data. This will help them comprehend the intention behind extremist content that targets people’s emotions to manipulate their beliefs.

Student Discussion and Reflection

Create a safe space for open discussion among your students. Allow them to express their thoughts and opinions on The Daily Stormer, hate speech, or extremist ideologies. Facilitate respectful discussions that allow them to share their concerns, ask questions and learn from each other.

Encourage students to reflect upon how exposure to this kind of content might influence individuals and society. Ask them to weigh potential consequences of spreading misinformation, stereotypes, and hate speech.


Teaching students about The Daily Stormer is an opportunity for educators to foster critical thinking and media literacy skills among their pupils. Through thoughtful discussion, analysis, and reflection, your students can learn how to identify biases, understand the power of language, and navigate the complexities of the digital world safely and responsibly.

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