Teaching Students About the Kingsman Movies

The Kingsman movie series, based on the comic book series “The Secret Service,” has been a popular hit among audiences, especially teenagers and young adults. Combining action, humor, and political satire, the movies offer a unique and engaging experience. While many consider these movies to be purely for entertainment, their educational potential should not be underestimated. By delving into elements such as literary connections, historical context, and moral themes, teachers can create captivating lessons inspired by the world of Kingsman.

Literary Connections:

One of the primary aspects to explore when teaching students about Kingsman movies is their literary roots. The films are adapted from a comic book series written by Mark Millar and illustrated by Dave Gibbons. Discussing the similarities and differences between the comics and the films can lead to critical thinking exercises as well as introducing students to different forms of storytelling.

Using Kingsman as an example, educators can highlight other movies that are based on books or graphic novels to encourage students to read the original source material. Connecting these adaptations across different genres gives students a comprehensive understanding of how literature influences various forms of media.

Historical Context:

Although Kingsman movies are set in a fictional universe, they contain several historical references that can be used for educational purposes. For example, comparisons can be drawn between the real-life British espionage organizations (like MI6) and the fictional Kingsman organization in terms of structure and their role in society.

Moreover, the use of real-world political events such as climate change and illegal drug trade creates a meaningful connection for students who may feel detached from these global issues. By examining how the films address these subjects, students can better comprehend their significance while developing critical thinking skills around contemporary topics.

Moral Themes:

Throughout the Kingsman series, various moral themes are depicted that teachers can use as a springboard for classroom discussions. Topics like loyalty, sacrifice, and the gray area between good and evil can be compared to historical or literary examples.

For instance, the moral dilemma faced by protagonists when making choices to save their friends or complete their mission can be compared to similar challenges faced by figures in history, literature, or even contemporary events. Analyzing these themes in a familiar setting of Kingsman movies will allow students to develop complex perspectives on issues they may encounter in their own lives.


Teaching students about Kingsman movies offers a unique opportunity to combine entertainment with education. By exploring literary connections, historical context, and moral themes present throughout the films, teachers can create engaging lessons that capture the essence of Kingsman while fostering critical thinking and an appreciation for diverse storytelling techniques.

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