The 4 Most Common Types of Young Readers

I taught elementary school for 6 years, and during this time, I ran across 4 common types of readers. I decided to create a list discussing their attributes and traits. I hope you enjoy it.

  1. Early Readers- A reader who has recently started to work with word recognition and comprehension strategies. They need assistance in learning the foundations of literacy.
  2. Struggling Readers- These readers have problems recognizing phonic elements, can’t blend sound, and words, and do not comprehend what they are reading. They need assistance with phonemic awareness, linking sounds to symbols, with syllables and morphemes, and language comprehension.
  3. Proficient Readers- A reader who uses the strategies, and possesses the skills and reading level appropriate for his or her age and grade. To reach their potential, they need to be encouraged to read books at a grade level or two above their current reading level.
  4. Fluent Readers- A reader who reads with ease, accuracy, and comprehension at above-average levels. To reach their potential, they need to be encouraged to read books several levels above their current reading level.

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