The 7 Best Countries to Study Abroad

The prospect of studying abroad does not only let you travel, but you also get to live the life of the locals. Students also get to learn a foreign language in many instances. Many students who desire to go to school overseas find it hard to choose the right country. If you are one of those finding it hard, this guide will point you in the right direction.

Top Countries to Consider Abroad

  1. Germany

If you are searching for a pocket-friendly country for your education, Germany should be your top pick. Schools in Germany either charge no tuition or charge cheap tuition. Also, several German schools are among the best rated in the world.

Even though the cost of living in Germany is not as low as those in Eastern Europe, many of its cities are quite affordable. Cities such as Berlin and Dresden are inexpensive and give students the chance to learn a new culture.

  1. United Kingdom

The UK ranks as the top choice for American students. Some of the world’s best universities, such as Oxford and Cambridge, are in the United Kingdom. If you want top-quality education from the best schools in the world, Britain should be your choice. One thing to remember is that schools in the United Kingdom are relatively expensive.

  1. Costa Rica

Students who want to improve their Spanish language may consider this a good destination. The weather, food, and wildlife are a source of attraction to students and tourists. Students could use their weekend’s zip-lining, white-water rafting, scuba diving, and exploring tropical rainforests and volcanoes.

  1. Thailand 

Students looking to combine study with nature exploration should consider Thailand. The rich culture, natural beauty, and unique cuisine all make the country one of the top ones in tourism. Thailand features different study abroad programs in the field, such as sustainable development, public health, and veterinary science. You will find various programs offered in English or Thai Language.

  1. South Africa 

Three decades after the country was facing anti-apartheid demonstrations, South Africa has seen its stock rise. Among African countries, South Africa ranks as the most popular for American students looking to study abroad.

Schools in South Africa offer specialized programs in business and conservation. There are also programs focused on social change and human rights.

  1. Japan

If you are looking to experience a way of life entirely different from America, Japan is the real deal. You will learn the language and have the opportunity to be part of one of the best STEM programs in the world. 

  1. Jordan

Schooling in the Middle East is becoming an increasingly attractive prospect. Jordan is the best choice here because it is one of the safest places globally and affords students the chance to learn Arabic. The ancient structure in some of the Jordanian cities has a story to tell and makes a good spot for exploration.

Concluding Thoughts

We hope by now that you have a clearer idea of the country you would love to study. The chance to study a new language and culture while getting the best education is possible outside the United States.

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