The A-Z of Education: Curriculum and Instruction

In this series, I hope to guide you in acquiring the vocabulary that you need to know to be considered a competent education professional. In this article, we will discuss education vocabulary centered on curriculum and instruction.

Click here to view all of the articles in this series.

Convergent Questions allow students a chance to provide simple, single answer to questions, which can even be narrowed down to yes or no responses.

Curriculum refers to a predetermined set of courses, as well as the course content, that is offered at an educational institution.

Curriculum Mapping describes the process through which schools detect gaps in learning between curricula, by analyzing a database where teachers enter course planning, content, skills, and assessment information. Any gaps detected are managed appropriately to ensure that the standard of learning provided at the institution meets district or state requirements.

Differentiated Instruction refers to the concept that defines the fact that students learn differently and have to receive instruction according to those differences.

Direct Teaching Methods refer to instances where the teacher is primarily regarded as the provider of information. The teacher is in full control of the pace, content, and structure of the lesson at all times, and students are required to follow.

Divergent Questions are questions that could have more than one answer. These require students to analyze responses before selecting.

Indirect Teaching Methods refer to instances where students take the primary responsibility and the teacher acts as a facilitator. The students are responsible for the direction and pace of their learning, as well as the content to variable degrees.

Integrated Teaching Methods combine direct and indirect teaching methods. The teacher begins with an instructive session and gradually engages the students to take the lead.

Learning Style refers to the various methods by which students are able to learn information presented to them, and which style suits them best.

Pedagogical Content refers to what binds subject knowledge with pedagogy. Pedagogical content knowledge might be viewed as a profound understanding, interpretation, and adaptation of the curriculum, which may only be achieved by a profound knowledge of the subject, the curriculum, and the students. It refers to the way that the teachers organize the topics and choose the clearest analogies and metaphors in order to leave an impact on their students.

Standardized System is an education system that has the same characteristics for all individuals and all institutions.

Student-Centered Curriculum refers to a non-authoritative, participation-focused model that reflects the necessity of a focus on both learners and learning.

Subject-Centered Curriculum is divided into strict subject areas, where there is little flexibility for cross-curricula activity. Subjects are taught in isolation, and there is an emphasis on acquisition and memorization of information and knowledge regarding each specific content area.

Theories-in-Use are theories that we take for truths, often without consciously analyzing, evaluating, or questioning them in any way.

Are there any terms that I missed?




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