The Best Activities for 4-Year-Olds

Are you looking for activities for your 4-year-old? Well, we got you covered. Check out our list of the best articles for 4-year-olds.

  • Go on a scavenger hunt.
  • Read or listen to books together.
  • Play with a kitchen set.
  • Encourage movement.
  • Chores
  • Simon Says
  • Musical Chairs
  • Card Games
  • Video Games
  • Educational Apps
  • Create a Craft
  • Have Them Help With Chores
  • Get in the Kitchen and Bake Together
  • Go Fishing Together
  • Play a Board Game Together
  • Coloring
  • Play doctor
  • Have a Dance Party
  • Have Movie Night
  • Favorite Cartoon Characters Dress up
  • Blow Bubbles
  • Go For a Walk in the Park
  • Pick Fruit at An Orchard
  • Visit a Botanical Garden
  • Go Swimming
  • Head to the Beach
  • Go Fishing
  • Visit a Trampoline Park
  • Memorize a Poem Together
  • Teach Your 4-Year-Old the Calendar
  • Play with Slime or Play Dough
  • Plant a Garden
  • Hide and Seek
  • Water Play
  • Pretend Play
  • Bake
  • Build a Fort
  • Go Camping
  • Play With Legos
  • Scavenger Hunt
  • Puzzle Time
  • Building Blocks
  • Riddles and Jokes
  • Teach Them Songs with Motions
  • Memory Games – Get Creative!
  • Use Your Senses Game
  • Ride Bikes and/or Scooters
  • Get Them Involved in Sports
  • Have Them Help Care for a Pet
  • Create an Obstacle Course
  • Play Outdoor Games
  • Play Board Games
  • Play With Kinetic Sand
  • Build something out of trash/recycling items
  • Catch fireflies
  • Climb a tree
  • Collect leaves
  • Draw on the sidewalk with sidewalk chalk
  • Go bird watching
  • Have a catch
  • Have a picnic
  • Have a water balloon fight
  • Jump on a trampoline
  • Listen to your favorite songs
  • Create life-size drawings of each other
  • Pretend sword fight
  • Plant seeds from something you’ve eaten
  • Play I Spy
  • Play tennis
  • Put on skits
  • Ride bikes
  • Run through the sprinklers together
  • Sit outside and look at the stars
  • Swing on the swings together
  • Visit a skate park together
  • Wash your car together
  • Build animal families out of homemade play-doh.
  • Conduct kitchen science experiments.
  • Display your kid’s artwork
  • Create memory boxes
  • Draw caricatures of
  • Exercise
  • Have a tea party
  • Help them clean their room
  • Help your kid fix a broken
  • Send an email to a relative.
  • Let your kid choose what to display in the place mentioned above.
  • Let your kid style your hair.
  • Let your kid teach you about something they know or do well.
  • Listen to an audio CD together.
  • Look through old photo albums together.
  • Create a care package to send to a relative.
  • Create a family tree.
  • Create a meal together for someone else.
  • Create a slideshow of your favorite digital photographs.
  • Create a special breakfast “just because.”
  • Create a “tent” out of sheets.
  • Create bookmarks.
  • Create ice cream floats for dessert.
  • Create milkshakes or smoothies.
  • Create necklaces out of colored pasta shapes and dental floss.
  • Create pancakes in the shape of your kid’s initials.
  • Create a silly song together.
  • Create your own memory game out of family photographs.
  • Create your own treasure map.
  • Play 20 Questions.
  • Play a video game
  • Play school or office.
  • Play store, restaurant, or ice cream stand.
  • Pull out a box of old toys
  • Race cars
  • Roleplay how to handle a tough situation
  • Scrapbook together
  • Share a memory about how you handled conflict or stood up to a bully when you were a kid
  • Style your kid’s hair
  • Take turns reading to each other
  • Teach your kid how to cook
  • Teach your kid how to play solitaire or chess
  • Teach one another some new dance moves
  • Teach your kid a song you sang as a kid
  • Teach your kid tricks
  • Tell your kid three things you really like about them
  • Visit a music store
  • Visit a nursing home
  • Visit the library
  • Volunteer together
  • Write a story
  • Write positive letters to each other and then mail them
  • Visit a free museum
  • Write messages on the mirror
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