The Bodily-Kinesthetic Learning Style And Its Characteristics

Thousands of students worldwide learn best through movement and physical activity – in other words, they have a bodily-kinesthetic learning style. If you have no idea what that means, you have come to the right place. Below, we will be discussing exactly what this learning style entails, a few of its characteristics, and how students who use this style study. 

What Is The Bodily-Kinesthetic Learning Style?

As we have already mentioned, the bodily-kinesthetic learning style involved plenty of movement and physical activity. In fact, students will often pace up and down or fidget with some sort of object while studying to retain the information as best as possible. 

Experts all over the world also refer to this style as physical learning or tactile-kinesthetic learning. 


Students who use bodily-kinesthetic learning prefer bodily information over any other forms. In other words, they remember information best when it is presented through movement or while they are moving themselves. For example, the student may want to touch or manipulate objects while they are being taught a particular section of work. 

Kinesthetic students will often enjoy activities such as drawing, modeling, sculpting, athletics, dancing, and physical sciences. These students love working with their hands and often excel in practical tasks. 

It is common for kinesthetic students to do very well in sport and athletics. Since their brains work best while moving, physical activity usually is one of their favorite past-times. 

How Do Students With This Learning Style Learn?

As the name suggests, students who have this learning style perform best when they are allowed to use their hands and tactile senses. They will prefer direct involvement with the work they are being taught instead of merely reading through sections in the textbook. 

These types of students can also excel when they write notes. Since their hand is moving while studying, their brains tend to retain the information much better. They may also enjoy working on a computer or completing practice activities on a digital device. 

It is very common for these students to enjoy taking things apart and putting them back together again. For this reason, they will often do very well in subjects that involve technology and other complex systems. 

Concluding Thoughts

The bodily-kinesthetic learning style is one that revolves around plenty of movement and physical activity. Students with this learning style tend to retain information best when they are moving. For example, a student will learn better if they have a stress ball to keep their hands busy while they work. These types of students will often excel in practical subjects, such as science.

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