The Power of Parental Expectations

Parental expectations play an important role in children’s academic success. Parental expectations can be positive or negative, but the key is that they are realistic. When parental expectations are based on accurate information about a child’s capabilities, the child’s motivation to succeed is enhanced.

Parental expectations can be difficult to set and even more difficult to meet. But when parental expectations are based on accurate information about a child’s capabilities, the child’s motivation to succeed is greatly enhanced. Accurate information about a child’s capabilities comes from accurate assessments.

Parental expectations are important because they set the tone for a child’s life. A child who is encouraged to be successful will be more likely to achieve his or her goals than a child who is discouraged.

Parental expectations can be positive or negative, but the key is that they are realistic. Positive parental expectations can encourage a child to achieve his or her goals. Negative parental expectations can be discouraging, and can lead to a child giving up prematurely.

Parental expectations should be based on accurate information about a child’s capabilities. To obtain accurate information, parental expectations should be based on a child’s performance on a standardized assessment such as the SAT or ACT.

Parental expectations can be a challenge to set, but they are essential if a child is to achieve his or her goals. Parental expectations can be a challenge to set, but they are essential if a child is to achieve his or her goals.

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