The Relationship Between Self-Concept and Academic Performance

Self-concept has as much to do with self-esteem as it does with identity. Self-concept is the way a student or young person perceives themself in terms of thoughts and ideas. It is the student’s identity and the limit of their self-esteem. 

Of course, this has a lot to do with how the young person relates themself to the rest of the world. It also has a crucial impact on their level of academic performance.

What Is Academic Performance? 

Academic performance is how well a student can grasp, process, and respond to different information levels.

However, a child’s academic performance can not be the same for an individual every time they are examined. Several variables can hamper academic performance, such as motivation, energy levels, distractions, and potential home or environmental issues. 

Above all these variables, though, self-concept is the most important in determining a young person’s academic performance. 

Self-Concept and Academic Performance 

Self-concept is very closely linked to academic performance for two main reasons. Firstly, a student’s self-concept could determine the length of time it takes them to grasp certain concepts or the amount of effort it will take to complete a challenging class or tricky homework. 

Secondly, when a young person is closely examined either by a parent or a teacher in their work performance level, the way they perceive their own capabilities and self is directly impacted. Either positive or negative feedback can then alter the child’s self-concept.

With these two factors in mind, the connection between self-concept and academic performance is obvious. 

How To Influence a Student’s Positive Self-Concept 

Considering how strongly self-concept and academic performance are connected, a teacher or parent must make sure the child’s self-concept is positive to allow them to excel academically. 

One means of helping students develop a positive self-concept is by showing interest in what they talk about, their learning progression, and their general characteristics. It’s essential to create an atmosphere for the young person where they can always feel valued. 

You could also try to reinforce things that make them memorable or unique to heighten their positive self-concept. 

Another method would be to set small academic goals for your child. That way, when said goals are achieved, they will feel confident in their capabilities. 

Finally, it is also important to set a precedent in displaying your own self-concept to the student – be a positive role model.

Concluding Thoughts

Self-concept and academic performance are a lot more closely linked than they may appear. It is vital to build and develop a child’s self-concept to allow them to achieve academically.

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