The Role of Emotion Co-Regulation in Discipline

The role of emotion regulation in discipline has been extensively researched and understood in recent decades. There is a general consensus that emotional stress and arousal can lead to negative outcomes in individuals including poor discipline outcomes. On the other hand, emotions can also have a positive impact on discipline outcomes, including increased productivity levels, better work outcomes, and reduced stress levels.

However, there is a growing body of research that suggests that the role of emotions in discipline may be more complex than previously thought. In particular, emotions may not always play a fully effective role in maintaining discipline outcomes. In some cases, emotional stress may actually lead to increased discipline problems.

To date, the research on the role of emotions in discipline has been scarce and inconsistent. This lack of clarity likely accounts for the inconsistency on how emotion regulation has been understood and used in discipline. For example, some studies may suggest that emotional stress is a necessary condition for successful discipline, while other studies may suggest that emotional stress does not always lead to successful discipline outcomes.

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