The Role Of Logical-Mathematical Intelligence in Problem Solving

One of the most discussed terms among mathematicians and scientists is logical-mathematical intelligence. The ability to solve problems through existing patterns and reasoning methods (i.e., deductive) is thought to be one of the most efficient and vitally important problem-solving methods.

According to Howard Gardner, there are nine types of intelligence, and logical-mathematical intelligence is most present when developing number and structure-related theories. What is most exciting is that high school and college students can apply similar methods in their classes.

Logical-mathematical intelligence has a significant effect on analytical thinking. It is seen as a crucial element to developing patents and innovative technologies.

Who Founded Logical-Mathematical Intelligence?

This type of intelligence has existed since the beginning of time. A professor at Harvard University, Howard Gardner, listed many famous scientists and mathematicians who used logical-mathematical intelligence. He was most impressed by Barbara McClintock, who was not as well-known as Einstein or Hawking, but certainly had a considerable impact and won a Nobel Prize in 1938.

At a young age, Barbara came across a cornfield that wasn’t as sterile as numerous calculations and theories predicted it would be. Impressively, without doing any formulas on paper, she came to a solution within just a couple of hours after analyzing this “mathematical problem.” Allowing students to develop more analytical thinking and create their own problem-solving patterns is how logical-mathematical intelligence can truly come to light. 

Logical-Mathematical Intelligence Changing the World

You are probably familiar with famous inventors and mathematicians, such as Bill Gates, Stephen Hawking, Albert Einstein, etc. According to Howard, they share a similar trait – logical-mathematical problem-solving. This is something that Warren Buffett, one of the most successful investors, is also known for.

In college, especially in strictly theoretical classes, it is crucial to allow students to find their own problem solutions. Logical-mathematical intelligence is the essence of innovation, mostly because the world changes as we speak, so patterns shouldn’t remain static.

How To Help Students Engage Their Logical-Mathematical Intelligence

If you are a teacher, there are many ways to stimulate deductive reasoning, analytical thinking, and other skills. One of the most entertaining methods has to be puzzle-solving – although a game for people of any age, it requires focus and learning how patterns work.

Additionally, you can make poetry classes more enjoyable by allowing students to distinguish between different forms and patterns. Also, giving students a mathematical problem with several possible approaches is excellent for boosting logical-mathematical intelligence.

Concluding Thoughts

Many problems have more than one solution. Finding these different solutions is best done through skills related to logical-mathematical intelligence. Much like successful mathematicians and inventors did in the past (on their own or stimulated by their teachers), you should go ahead and try to figure out different patterns/methods of problem-solving.

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