The Teacher Report: Classroom Management Tricks to Keep Game-Based Learning Running Smoothly


Game-based learning has significantly impacted the way students learn, as it combines both educational content and entertaining gameplay. This innovative approach fosters a fun and interactive classroom environment which can boost student engagement, motivation, and promote collaborative problem-solving skills. However, to effectively integrate game-based learning into the curriculum, teachers must have effective classroom management strategies in place to ensure smooth implementation. In this article, we will be sharing some practical and proven classroom management tricks that can help make game-based learning an enjoyable and fruitful experience for both teachers and students.

1. Establish Clear Rules and Expectations

Before introducing game-based learning in the classroom, it is essential for teachers to set clear rules and expectations for students. This could involve guidelines on how to interact with peers during gameplay, appropriate behavior while playing games, and taking turns. Teachers should communicate these expectations clearly and consistently to create a safe and supportive gaming environment.

2. Choose the Right Games for Your Students

Selecting the right games for your students is vital since not all games are suitable for every age group or skill level. Teachers must research and choose games that are age-appropriate, align with the curriculum objectives and meet the diverse needs of their students.

3. Balance Competition with Collaboration

To encourage teamwork while still maintaining a sense of competition among students, teachers can create a balanced environment where collaborative activities are integrated into competitive gameplay. It would help if you encouraged students to work together toward common goals to foster cooperation while still keeping a spirit of playfulness in the air.

4. Monitor Student Progress

During game-based learning activities, it is crucial for teachers to monitor student progress continually. Encourage weaker students or those who might be struggling with certain aspects of the game by providing additional guidance or support as needed without overly interrupting the flow of gameplay.

5. Facilitate Classroom Discussions

After the completion of the game-based learning activities, teachers should facilitate a classroom discussion where students can share their experiences, discuss strategies they used during gameplay, and reflect on any new knowledge or skills they acquired. This reflection process fosters a deeper understanding of the material and helps students make connections between the game and the learning objectives.

6. Encourage Responsible Gaming

Promote responsible gaming habits by setting time limits on gameplay and reminding students of the importance of taking breaks to avoid eye strain or mental fatigue. Balance screen time with other non-digital assignments or activities to provide a well-rounded learning experience.

7. Providing Feedback

Regular feedback from teachers is essential for the successful integration of game-based learning in a classroom. Helps students understand their strengths and weaknesses in gameplay, and offers guidance on how to improve and develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration skills.


Game-based learning can lead to increased student engagement and motivation if appropriately managed. By implementing effective classroom management practices, teachers can create a conducive environment that encourages positive gaming experiences while reinforcing educational objectives. Ultimately this will lead to improved learning outcomes for students while preparing them for real-life challenges through the form of engaging games.

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