The Tech Tools that Educators Need

Educators need more things to do in the same way learners need more candy. That’s why educators hate when administrators talk about new initiatives or want to pilot a new tech program. Educators know it means playing catch up to onboard themselves and their learners.

Instead, schools that are serious about improving education technology efficacy should provide educators with the tech they need in three areas: planning, instruction and assessment, as well as grading.


Back in the day, educators routinely collected by grade level or department after a high-stakes assessment to examine the data their assessments generated. They sat before gridded paper, marking responses, charting trends, and making notes about learning paths.

Despite how much time it took, the data analysis was essential for pushing instruction.

Contemporary tech has changed that strategy. Data-driven insights have never been easier to collect and interpret. Management systems that track learner achievement and behavior can save teams of educators vast amounts of time.

Instruction and Assessment

It’s difficult to trust something you didn’t develop yourself. That may explain why some educators have been reluctant to incorporate education technology tools in instruction and assessment. Tech can facilitate learning and testing, making the educator’s work easier while improving learner engagement.

Tools like Flipgrid inspire learners to learn communities by responding to questions with voice and video uploads. Learners jump into discussions and show off what they know. Educators then evaluate the quality of responses.

Educators assess academic growth throughout the year, carefully noting progress and areas for reteaching. Although having too most apps can be overwhelming, measuring formative growth has never been easier. The education technology market boasts dozens of free or low-cost apps that assist educators in quizzing and grading to take their learners through the curriculum.

For example, Yacapaca is one of the most available quiz-builders, and Socrative engages learners through gamification.  Apps like these encourage learner involvement, although reducing the traditional workload for educators.


Ever wonder what’s in those canvas bags educators carry back and forth to the classroom? Often stacks of papers to grade and lessons to develop.

Although educators work more than six hours a day with their learners, they still must grade learner work. That means taking it home, checking the answers, and providing written feedback.

Providing feedback can be time-consuming; that’s why tools like Kaizena and Voxer exist. Educators can leave voice comments for learners, and that can make assessment up to 75% faster. Voice comments are quicker to make, and educators are more likely to leave more detailed feedback. A bonus is that most voice apps allow educators to make rubrics, make explainer videos, and initiate ongoing discussions.

There’s an endless amount of tech available to educators. Support your educators by incorporating helpful apps in only a few areas. Educators don’t need an app for everything. They need tools that help them do their jobs better.

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