The Ultimate List of First Grade Sight Words

Sight words are an essential aspect of language that is often difficult for young kids to grasp fully. You see, they fill a niche in the English language that people who have been speaking the language all their life will instinctively know regardless of your actual education on the matter.

However, young students may have a hard time understanding or identifying sight words, making teaching them a bit more tricky. Thankfully, young kids are like sponges who love innovative and exciting ways for them to absorb information. Today, we are publishing a list a first grade sight words that you can use with your students.

After Of
Again Old
An Once
Any Open
As Over
Ask Put
By Round
Could Some
Every Stop
Fly Take
From Thank
Give Them
Going Then
Had Think
Has Walk
Her were
Him when
His what
How white
Just who
Know will
Let with
Live yes
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