These Teacher-Friendly Software Tools Are Your New Best Friends

The Internet is a huge arena of resources, but sometimes, navigating it effectively can seem like a daunting task. How do you know what’s worth clicking on? Is a site really reliable? What sites have the best tools for you as a teacher?

Certain aspects of technology that are readily available for use by anyone can be put to very specific use by teachers. These are easy to use and can be of help for the general tasks teachers do as part of their job description, such as attendance forms, delivery of grading charts, and finding new resources.

This software can also be a timesaver for a variety of classroom tasks. Here are some of the software tools that can make a teacher’s life easier:

Time-Management Tools

These types of tools are basically calendar
software. They can be used to schedule your appointments, or you may want
to take advantage of more complex features. Some tools can be viewed online, so more than one student can access it. A teacher can arrange appointments or
make a note of due dates for assignments so that all students in their class can see. Most of these
tools allow the option to put some information in private mode and some in public mode, so the administrator can choose which calendars can be seen by everyone and which cannot. Most of
these tools include a feature allowing teachers to arrange meetings and groups.

Software Grade Books

This tool is basically a database that keeps records of student information. Teachers can enter contact information as well as grades. These kinds of tools provide valuable statistical information regarding grades, tests, and performance, giving the teacher a view of each student’s performance and learning progress.

Test Generator Software

With these tools, a teacher can create a database of different questions and tasks. The software will then construct tests from these questions. It can also create versions of the same test using different questions or ordering them differently.


Derived from the term web logs, blogs are journals that are available online for any Internet user. Students can publish their photos and videos. The fact that their work is published online motivates students to care more about their work and make a greater effort on it. If the blogs are associated with the school, teachers must be certain to check the entries to ensure that no inappropriate content is posted and that copyright is not violated. Students should be tutored in correct blogging etiquette.

The World Wide Web is vast and variable, but the list above can give you a good place to start in your search for digital resources. For even more information on bringing media into the classroom, check out our other articles to sharpen your tech savvy up even more!

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