Things Narcissistic Mothers Say and Why They Say Them

Narcissistic mothers say certain things to try and control their children. Here are five of the most common.

1. “You always have to be on the top of your game.”

This is a way for the narcissistic mother to feel like she is still in control even when her child is not behaving the way she wants them to. The narcissistic mother may also tell their child that they always have to be perfect because their mother never was. This makes the child feel like they have to live up to an impossible standard, which can lead to them feeling overworked and stressed.

2. “You’re not good enough.”

The narcissistic mother may tell their child that they are not good enough at anything or that they are not smart or talented enough. This can make the child feel inadequate and like they don’t belong in the world. It can also lead to the child feeling ashamed and embarrassed.

3. “You’re never going to amount to anything.”

The narcissistic mother may tell their child that they are never going to amount to anything or that they are not worth anything. This can cause the child to feel low self-esteem, which can make them feel like they have no purpose in life. It can also lead to the child feeling like they have to work hard all the time to make their mother happy.

4. “I don’t love you.”

The narcissistic mother may say this to try and get the child to feel guilty or ashamed. She may also tell the child that she loves them but is not able to love them the way they need to be loved. This can lead to the child feeling like they are not good enough and that they are not worthy of love.

5. “You’re ruining my life.”

The narcissistic mother may tell their child that they are ruining their life or that they are causing all of the problems in their life. This can make the child feel like they are responsible for everything wrong in their mother’s life and can cause them to feel overwhelmed.

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