Tips for Supplementing Your Lessons

Check out our list of tips for supplementing your lessons.

Once you have mapped out the unit and listed materials, find the materials you need for a unit, call speakers, order films, and create learning tactics. How the info is presented is sometimes more important than the content.

When you design lessons, work with the media staff in your building. The school’s media resources can increase units and provide learners with various print and software material.

Ask questions prior to a video, performance, demonstration, or reading. Once you ask questions, learners begin to focus on the learning activity. Asking a thought-provoking category of questions will focus the learner and require a thought process to take shape before the learning experience occurs.

When you are designing lessons, ask yourself how you will address the needs of each individual learner. Accommodate your learners’ learning styles by presenting various challenging opportunities in your classroom. One size does not fit all in class today.

Include ways to actively involve students in the learning process by incorporating interactive strategies in the lesson. Allocate learners to develop their own ideas, independent of yours. Have a debate, role play, or have learners spend time sharing with a partner.

Improve learner learning by allowing learners to find areas of interest to them. Reread the learner interest surveys collected at the start of the school year. You may find some common interests among groups of learners. Develop lessons that incorporate those interests.

Find out that a learner’s attention span matches their age. Ask speakers to speak for a specific time and then insert a time for the learners to partner with a classmate and write a question to ask the speaker. Collect the questions and give them to the speaker. The presenter can decide which ones to answer. A structured way of asking questions causes learners to think about what they will ask instead of blurting out questions or remaining silent.

Find out that some learners will read much lower than others. Some learners with low reading scores receive special education, and some do not. You need to know this info as you plan lessons.

Once designing lessons, match the subject matter with developmentally appropriate activities. If activities are inappropriate for a grade level, learners will not be challenged to participate. Learners will become frustrated if an activity is too difficult, and little learning will occur.

Create activities that will stretch learners’ thinking; don’t design activities that are all fun and no learning. Find outers’ time in schools must be maximized with meaningful learning experiences. Careful planning is key. Playing a hangman game or doing a word search needs to be replaced by learners designing their own games or by a vocabulary strategy that ties into the standards and benchmark of the school district.

Think about learners’ learning styles when creating lesson plans. Add chances for the tactile, kinesthetic, auditory, and visual learners. Create activities that foster learning using these styles. Ensure that you continue to rotate each style so that you can connect with all learners.

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