Tips On How To Talk To Your Child’s Teacher About Dyslexia

Dyslexia is one of the learning disabilities that students may have. It is a learning disorder that involves difficulty reading due to problems identifying speech sounds and learning how they relate to letters and words. Parents whose children have dyslexia are concerned about their academic progress but also their mental and emotional well-being. 

One way to ensure that their students remain a valuable part of the class is to talk to your child’s teacher and communicate openly. This guide will give you tips on making sure that you have a productive and informative conversation with your child’s teacher.

Make An Appointment

Instead of randomly catching your child’s teacher before or after school, schedule an appointment. This will ensure that when the teacher meets you, they would be free from other commitments and focus on what you have to say.

While awareness about learning disabilities is increasing, do not assume that the teacher knows exactly what it is and how to help your child. Ask what their prior knowledge about dyslexia is and share some valuable resources you have found.

Share What Has Worked For Your Child In The Past 

While the teacher may have some knowledge about dyslexia and how to help a child with this condition, they may not know what has and what has not specifically worked for your child in the past. Communicate openly. Give specific instances.

Have An Open But Judgement-free Conversation

Regardless of whether the teacher already knows about dyslexia or not, make sure to express that you are not there to judge them on their knowledge. Instead, the goal should be to work together to help your child overcome the difficulty. Tell the teacher that you appreciate their concern as that would encourage them more to help your child be an active part of the class.

There are many students in one class, and it takes a lot of time for the teacher to know all of their students. Moreover, after learning that your child has dyslexia, the teacher may only focus on the challenges. 

So, make sure that you let them know what your child’s interests and strengths are. Let them know if your child likes to draw, is a good orator, enjoys presenting or acting so that they may even incorporate these in lesson plans and collaborative game activities.

Ask How You Can Help

All the new information could be overwhelming for a teacher who has not previously dealt with a student who has dyslexia. It is also a huge responsibility, so make sure that you tell the teacher how you think you can work together and ask for any suggestions the teacher might have. 

It would only be better for your child if you reinforce what they learn in school and know that their parents and teachers are working as a team to support them.

Concluding Thoughts

Schools and teachers are working towards making schools more inclusive. However, if your child has dyslexia or any other learning or physical disabilities, make sure to talk to the teacher. Keep the tips discussed above in mind, and you two are sure to have a productive conversation.

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