Toddler Aggression – When to Worry About Violent Behavior in Child

It can be difficult to determine if your toddler is exhibiting violent behavior. This is because toddler aggression can look different for each individual child. In general, however, there are certain signs that you should watch for when it comes to toddler aggression. Here are four of the most common signs that your toddler may be acting violently:

1. Your toddler is becoming more aggressive with others.

Toddler aggression can often start with conflicts with siblings or other family members. If your toddler is becoming more aggressive and irrational with those around them, it may be a sign that they are starting to feel overwhelmed and frustrated.

2. Your toddler is becoming more physically aggressive.

Physical aggression can include hitting, biting, and pulling hair. If your toddler is becoming more aggressive with others and also harming themselves or their property, it may be a sign that they are feeling overwhelmed and are resorting to physical aggression as a way to cope.

3. Your toddler is becoming more aggressive with animals.

Toddlers who act aggressively towards animals may be showing signs of being insecure or feeling overwhelmed. If your toddler is becoming more aggressive with animals and injuring them, it may be a sign that they are becoming more violent towards people as well.

4. Your toddler is displaying signs of being psychotic.

Some toddlers who are exhibiting signs of violence may be experiencing a psychotic episode. During a psychotic episode, a person may have a break from reality and may act aggressively toward others or themselves. If you notice any of the above signs in your toddler, it is important to consult a doctor.

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