Toddler Self-Soothing Behavior & 7 Tips On Teaching Kids to Calm Down

Self-soothing behavior is key to calming down toddlers. It is important to teach your child how to calm themselves down so they can relax and stay focused. Here are seven tips on how to teach toddlers self-soothing behavior.

1. Offer choices. When your toddler is feeling overwhelmed or upset, offer them several different ways to calm down. Examples might include taking a short break, playing with a toy, reading a book, or singing a lullaby.

2. Avoid reacting. When your toddler is getting upset, try to remain calm. Doing so will help to set a good example for them.

3. Praise the behavior. When your toddler is displaying self-soothing behavior, let them know you are proud of them. Show them by praising them, giving them a hug, or rewarding them with a favorite toy.

4. Model the behavior. If you want your toddler to learn self-soothing behavior, you need to practice it yourself. When your toddler is upset, try to take a few minutes to calm down. This will help to teach them that it is okay to be upset and to find a way to calm down.

5. Set boundaries. If your toddler is becoming uncontrollable, set boundaries. This might mean telling them they can’t play with their toy for a while or that they can’t have a tantrum in the living room.

6. Get help. If self-soothing behavior is not working and your toddler is becoming more upset, get help from a professional. A therapist can help to teach your toddler self-soothing behavior and help to regulate their emotions.

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