Tools for Teaching: Developing Active Readers

Having access to effective tools for teaching reading helps educators support the development of active readers. Tools that support reading comprehension can be divided into five categories: instructional material, software, websites, books, and multimedia. Instructional materials such as textbooks, workbooks, and interactive activities can be used to provide systematic instruction to students. Software such as programs for reading comprehension assessment can be used to measure reading comprehension skills.

Websites such as Reading Wonderland and Reading Rockets provide interactive activities and materials for students. Books can be used as instructional resources as well as to provide entertainment and promote literacy. Multimedia such as movies, games, and podcasts can be used to further engage students in reading.

In general, effective tools for teaching reading should be well-designed, engaging, and fun. They should be easy to use and provide a variety of engaging activities. Tools that support reading comprehension should be systematic and provide instruction on how to read and understand the text. They should also provide opportunities for students to measure their reading comprehension skills.

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