Understanding Instructional Design Models 

In instructional design, models are often used to represent the different ways in which a particular teaching or learning experience can be delivered. They can be used to help designers plan, design, and evaluate learning experiences.

There are six major instructional design models:

1. The Performance Model

The Performance Model is based on the assumption that effective instruction is based on the performance of students. It focuses on what students should know and be able to do at the end of the course.

2. The Process Model

The Process Model focuses on the steps that are involved in learning. It assumes that learning occurs through a series of steps or stages, and that instruction should help students progress through these stages.

3. The Constructivist Model

The Constructivist Model emphasizes the role that students play in their own learning. It believes that students can construct their own understanding of the material, based on their own experiences and interactions with the material.

4. The Contextual Model

The Contextual Model focuses on the environment in which learning takes place. It assumes that the environment has a significant impact on how students learn.

5. The Multiple Intelligences Model

The Multiple Intelligences Model is based on the idea that there are many different types of intelligence, and that different students have different strengths in each of these areas.

6. The Integrated Model

The Integrated Model is a combination of the other five models. It focuses on the interaction between the environment and the student, and takes into account the different types of intelligence that students may have.

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