Useful Crime Essay Topics

Useful Crime Topics for Essays

  1. The Importance of Hate Crime Legislation
  2. The Approach to Crime of Hans Von Hentig
  3. Environmental Design in Hughesville for Crime Prevention
  4. The Crimes of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria
  5. Classical Criminology and Contemporary Crime
  6. American Crime Trends and Criminological Theories
  7. Discussion of Hate Crimes and the Law
  8. Intellectual Property Crimes in Cyberspace
  9. Theories of Crime Causation and Conflict Criminology
  10. The Crime and Law Enforcement Rates in Fort Lauderdale
  11. Abortion as a Crime and the Opposition to it
  12. Investigating Property Crimes
  13. Classification of Violent Crimes in the United States
  14. Decreasing and Controlling Violent Crimes in the US
  15. Crimes of Identity Theft in the United States
  16. Sociological Theories of Crime
  17. Theory of Fraud and Crime in the Film Black Money
  18. The Broken Windows Theory vs. Giuliani’s Crime Strategy
  19. Statistics on Juvenile Crime in the United States in 2008
  20. Crime Causation and Diversion in the State of Florida
  21. Death Penalty: Racial Bias, Mistrial, Crime Ranking
  22. Housing, Homelessness, Drugs, and Crime in Los Angeles
  23. Hate Crime Charges Leveled Against Sikh Professor
  24. Impression of a Shoe at a Crime Scene
  25. Racial Profiling, Terrorism, and Hate Crimes
  26. Crime of Raskolnikov in Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment
  27. Focus on White Collar Crimes
  28. Race, Ethnicity, and Crime in the United States
  29. Protocols and Stages of a Crime Scene Investigation
  30. Effectiveness of Crime Prevention and Control
  31. Laws Against Discrimination and Hate Crimes
  32. Internet Crime Prevention Through Law and E-Commerce
  33. War Crimes Portrayed in S. Mehmedinovic’s Zambak/Muslims
  34. The Crime Television Series, Al-Fin Cayó!
  35. Internet Security and Computer Crimes
  36. Crime, Media Reporting, and Ethics in the Zodiac Film
  37. Emile Durkheim’s The Functions of Crime
  38. Bohm and Haley’s Crime and Justice in the United States
  39. Peer Group Influence on Youth Crime
  40. Commitment and Revelation of Civic Virtue in Crime
  41. Current Laws and Organized Crime
  42. The National Influence of Organized Crime
  43. Principles and Procedures of Crime Scene Investigation
  44. Presence of Police Patrols in Crime “Hot Spots”
  45. Strain Theory: The Link between Gender and Crime
  46. Nanjing Massacre: Japan Denies War Crime
  47. Gender in White-Collar Crime: Pink-Collar Criminal
  48. Theories and Causes of Cybercrime
  49. Immigration Services in the Fight Against Crime and Terrorism
  50. Adolescent Sex Crimes and Deterrence Theory
  51. Internet Crimes and the Prevention of Digital Terrorism
  52. Marijuana Crime in State and Federal Courts in California
  53. Crime Reduction Using Closed-Circuit Television Cameras
  54. Fascination With Crime Via the Art of Photography
  55. The Impact of Compliance on Financial Crimes
  56. The Balkans’ Organized Crime
  57. Hate Crimes in Contemporary Society
  58. Sex Crime and Firearm Violence Crime Rates
  59. Tools for Collecting and Analyzing Crime Data
  60. Risk Management and Crime Prevention
  61. Sexually Motivated Crime Rate
  62. Trends in Crime and Victimization
  63. Crime Perception Differences in North Jersey
  64. Cleaning up a Crime Scene
  65. Causes of White-Collar Crime
  66. Types of Analysis in Crime Scene Investigation
  67. Approaches to Crime Prevention
  68. Prohibition as a Contributing Factor to Increased Crime and Illegal Activity
  69. Theory and Doctrine of Crimes Against Persons
  70. The Importance of Setting in Crime Fiction
  71. Employee Theft and Crime Prevention in the Workplace
  72. Age of Offenders and Anti-Black Hate Crimes
  73. Theories of Crime in Biological, Psychological, and Sociological Theories
  74. Alleged Crimes: Drug Dealing and Aggravated
  75. Drug and Human Trafficking as Transnational Organized Crimes
  76. Examining Crime Evidence in Forensic Science
  77. Community-Based Crime Prevention in Phoenix Park
  78. Electronic Crimes and Federal Regulation Guidance
  79. School Violence, Security, and Crime Prevention
  80. The Three Strikes Law Ineffective Against Crime Reduction
  81. The Crime of Robert Courtney as Input to Business Regulation
  82. Theories of White-Collar Crime and Their Evolution
  83. Crime Theories: Northwest Washington Shooting
  84. Theories of Anomie and Strain Crime
  85. Comparing Different Crime Indexes
  86. Crime Costs to UK Healthcare Statistics
  87. Statistical Cases and Tactical Crime Analysis
  88. Differentiating Criminal Behavior Using Crime Theories
  89. Fear of Crime Reporting in the Media
  90. War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity Under International Law
  91. Analysis of the Organized Crime Series
  92. Obtaining Total Community Security
  93. Organized Crime and Drug Trafficking Economics
  94. Writing Crime Analysis and Alert Website Content
  95. Serial killers, Their Crimes, and the Stereotypes That Surround Them
  96. Counter-Strategy for Transnational Organized Crime
  97. Definition of Religion’s Role in Crime
  98. Victimless Crimes: Definition and Classification
  99. General Crime Trends Over the Last Twenty Years
  100. News About Crime and Criminal Justice
  101. Canadian Crime Victim Foundation NGO Analysis
  102. The Connection Between Crime Rates and Poverty
  103. Problem-Solving Policing in High Violent Crime Areas
  104. Theories of “Broken Windows” and Situational Crime Prevention
  105. National System for Missing and Unidentified Persons
  106. The Media and Crime Relationship in Forensic Psychology
  107. Capturing Criminals, Crime, and the Public’s Imagination
  108. Models of Conflict and Crime Control vs. Consensus and Due Process
  109. Gender Factors in Campus Crime
  110. Gender and Campus Crime: A Correlation Analysis
  111. Bernie Madoff’s Ponzi Scheme
  112. New York and Chicago Organized Crime
  113. Rates of Immigration and Crime in the United States
  114. Longford: A Biographical Crime Drama Film from the United Kingdom.
  115. Juvenile Delinquency and Crime Prevention
  116. Processes and Analyses for Computer Crime Investigation
  117. Identity Theft and Computer Forensics
  118. Small Business Crimes and Prevention Strategies
  119. Cybercrime and Computer Forensics
  120. Critical Crime Scene Responsibilities
  121. Viewing the Future of Computer Crimes
  122. Reconstruction of Crime Scenes
  123. The First Officer on the Scene of a Crime
  124. The Crime of Innocence
  125. Surveillance as a Solution to the Crime Problem
  126. Analysis of the National Crime Victimization Survey
  127. Global Positioning System Crime Investigation
  128. Teenagers Do Not Commit Crimes
  129. The Prevention of Crime in the United States
  130. Classification of Evidence and Crime Scene Investigation
  131. The Most Common Crimes
  132. CCTV Cameras: Surveillance and Crime Reduction
  133. Increased Surveillance Is Not a Desirable Solution to the Crime Problem
  134. Typologies of Property Crime
  135. The Uniform Crime Reporting Program Concept
  136. Crime Scene Investigations and Forensic Biology
  137. Cybercrime in the United States and Nigeria
  138. The Uniform Crime Statistics for More Than 5 Years
  139. Deferred Prosecution and White-Collar Crimes
  140. Genocide: Justice and Ethical Concerns

Interesting Crime Topics

  1. Hotspots for Crime and Disorder Policing
  2. Prevention of Situational Crime
  3. Strategy for Situational Crime Prevention
  4. Accreditation and Certification of Crime Laboratories
  5. The General Crime Theory
  6. Crimes and Torts: Liability for Traffic Accidents
  7. Building Inspectors in Granite City: Service Crime
  8. Strain Theory: A Sociological Analysis of Crime
  9. Psychological Theories of Violent Crime
  10. Ward Churchill’s Crimes Against Humanity
  11. Relations Between Crime, Justice, and the Media
  12. Crimes and Criminal Tendencies: What Causes Them?
  13. Community Policing and Crime Reduction in New York City
  14. Is Prejudice Against Young People Justified?
  15. Laci Peterson’s Murder Is Among the Most Notorious Crimes
  16. Drugs, Crime, and Control in Criminology
  17. Physical Security and Crime Prevention That Works
  18. Discussion: Date Rape Is Not a Crime
  19. Crime in Inner-City Communities
  20. Crime and Subcultures in the City
  21. Crime Prevention and Control
  22. Crime Victimization in the United States: Data Statistics
  23. Nazi Atrocities Against Jews During WWII
  24. White Collar Crimes: When Appearances Can Be Misleading
  25. High School Crime
  26. White-Collar and Corporate Crimes in Law Enforcement
  27. Multiple Perceptions of Crime in Violence and Society
  28. The Evolution of Cybercrime and the Most Common Types of Cybercrime
  29. The Economic Cost of Crime to Society
  30. Three Views on a Single Crime
  31. Political and White-Collar Crimes
  32. Juveniles Tried as Adults: Crime Policy and Practices
  33. Texas Crime and Punishment
  34. The Enron Scandal and Business Fraud
  35. Parental Responsibility for Children’s Crimes
  36. Prostitution: A Victimless Crime
  37. Crime Prevention Technology
  38. Alcohol and Crime in the United Kingdom, America, and Australia
  39. Patterns, Benefits, and Risks of Sex Crimes and Burglary
  40. Rape: A Misunderstood Offense
  41. Crime Prevention Programs in the United States
  42. Issue of Responsibility for the Most Heinous Crimes
  43. Disruption, Crimes, and City Violence
  44. Recommendations for Crime Control Policy
  45. Punishment and Youth Crime
  46. Criminology’s Core Subject: Hate Crime
  47. Prostitution: A Victimless Crime
  48. The Future of Crime Corrections
  49. What Influences Human Behavior?
  50. Elements of Intentional Tort and Crime
  51. Is it True That Drug Interdiction Increases or Decreases Drug-Related Crime?
  52. Major Crime Causation Theories
  53. Physically Injured Crime Victims: Criminal Justice
  54. Investigating Crime Using a Conduct Report
  55. Crime Punishment: Today’s Humane Treatment of Prisoners
  56. Sociology and Media Representation of Crime
  57. Anthropological Crime Theory
  58. Cyberbullying Is Illegal: A Discussion
  59. The Evolution of Crime Theories Based on Behavioral and Cognitive Development
  60. Criminal Investigations: Crime Scene Investigators
  61. Crime and Punishment in China’s Legal System
  62. Jack the Ripper Crime Mysteries
  63. United States Organized Crime
  64. Criminals are Kept at Bay in the Country by Cutting-Off Hands
  65. Crime, Criminality, and Prisons in the USA
  66. Investigation of Organized Crime in Various Countries
  67. Do Drug Enforcement Laws Aid in the Prevention of Other Crimes?
  68. Social Program for the Prevention of Violence Against Women
  69. Gang Violence in Irish Cities
  70. Crime Rates in the United Kingdom: Quantitative Methods
  71. Crimes Against the State: Death Penalty and Terrorist Attacks
  72. Women’s Crime: A Theory of Gendered Criminology
  73. Is Crime a Good Investment?
  74. Economic Aspects of Ornament and Crime
  75. Crime and the Middle Class: A Historical Examination
  76. The Poverty-Crime Relationship in Cities
  77. The Problem of Crime and Justice and Philosophical Theory of Law and Justice
  78. Crime Scene Investigation in the Criminal Justice System
  79. The Crime Self-Control Theory
  80. Economic Downturns and Crime Rates
  81. Leaving No Trace: Crime Scene Field Notes
  82. Justification for Medea’s Crime
  83. In War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity, Personal vs. Collective Responsibility
  84. The Influence of Black Clothing and Social Pressure on Crime Judgments
  85. Causes, Regulation, and Legislation in Canada
  86. Investigating and Documenting the Crime Scene
  87. Theoretical Implications for Sexual Crime Investigations
  88. The Nature of Crime: What Motivates People to Be Criminals?
  89. Bias Toward the Victim’s Identity in Hate Crimes in the United States
  90. The Three Strikes Law in Crime Prevention
  91. Drugs, Crime, and Violence: How Drug Use Affects Behavior
  92. The Link Between Unemployment and Crime
  93. Police Operations: Using New Technologies to Combat Crime
  94. The Effects of Society’s Reaction to Crime
  95. Keeping Sexual Offenders From Committing Crimes
  96. Sex Crime Recidivism Rates
  97. Texas Kidnapping Study: State or Federal Crimes?
  98. Myths About Crime and Domestic Terrorism
  99. Organized Crime and Law Enforcement Using Cyber Technology
  100. Press Release from the US Attorney’s Office Regarding Birmingham Crimes
  101. Crime in America Since the Early 1800s
  102. Depiction of White-Collar Crime: Toxic Chemicals and the Effects of Pollution
  103. Crimes Against Women: Salem Witchcraft Hysteria
  104. Seligman and Perspective on the Crime Rate Drop
  105. Screening in Aviation: Crime Prevention
  106. Men’s Sexual Violence as a Crime
  107. Discussion of Deviance and Crime Among the Power Elite
  108. Employment and Financial Crime
  109. The Role of Humans in Enabling and Facilitating e-Crimes
  110. Police-Recorded Crime Trends in Northern Ireland
  111. The Impact of the War on Crime and Power Shifts Among Different Groups
  112. Globalization and the Internet: How Has Organized Crime Changed?
  113. The Correlation of Crime and Conflict in Africa, Asia, and Latin America
  114. Globalization and Integration: The Future of Global Crime
  115. Cyberbullying and the Positivist Crime Theory
  116. Concept of Crime and Social Learning Theory
  117. The Characteristics of Crime in Virginia
  118. Using the Internet to Investigate a Crime
  119. Use of Information Technology to Solve Crimes: Biometrics and DNA Tests
  120. Crime Prevention and Community Justice
  121. Gender Influenced Crime and Interventions Have Negative Effects
  122. The Connection Between Drugs and Crime
  123. Tools and Techniques for Processing a Crime Scene
  124. Relationships and Motivations in Age-Related Crime
  125. South African Crime Factors and Levels vs. Canada
  126. Crime Incidence and Community Cohesiveness
  127. International Organized Crime
  128. Loeber Identifies Three Pathways to Crime
  129. Different Cultures, Different Attitudes in Asian Crime
  130. International Policing and Transnational Crime
  131. What Exactly Is a Crime? Is It Possible to Stop Crime?
  132. Preventing and Combating White-Collar Crimes
  133. Eric Smith’s Case: Crime and Delinquency
  134. The Relationship Between the Economy and Crime
  135. Good Practice Guide for Electronic Crime Scene Investigation
  136. Typical Activities Lawrence Cohen and Marcus Felson’s Theory of Crime
  137. Globalization and Neoliberalism’s Impact on Crime and Criminal Justice
  138. Crime Prevention and Neighborhood Watch Programs
  139. Terrorism and Cybercrime Investigation Methods
  140. Fears of Reporting a Crime: Why Do Witnesses Fail to Report Crimes?

Crime Research Questions

  1. Can Genetics Lead to Crime?
  2. Are the Laws Fostering Crime?
  3. When Was the First True Crime Committed?
  4. Does the Death Penalty Deter Crime?
  5. Do Violence and Crime Have an Impact on the Tourism industry?
  6. Does Crime Cause Drug Use or Does Drug Use Cause Crime?
  7. Is Marriage a Deterrent to Crime?
  8. What Is the Cause of Crime?
  9. Is There a Link Between Social Deprivation and Crime?
  10. What Motives People to Commit Crime?
  11. Why Will Crime Rates Fall?
  12. What Are the Social Factors Contributing to Youth Crime?
  13. What Factors Contribute to a High Crime Rate?
  14. What Are the Correct Procedures for a Crime Investigation?
  15. What Are the Psychiatric Roots of Crime?
  16. What Are the Root Causes of Youth Crime in the United Kingdom?
  17. What Are the Major Issues Concerning Crime Statistics Collection?
  18. Official Crime Statistics: How Reliable Are They?
  19. What Comes First, Crime or Law?
  20. How Has American White Collar Crime Changed?
  21. What Are the Seven Crime Elements?
  22. What Impact Does Globalization Have on Crime and Victimization?
  23. How Should Crime Be Measured?
  24. What Causes Crime to Change over Time?
  25. How Can Crime and Deviance Be Seen as Beneficial to Society?
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