Using Ethnomethodology to Understand Social Order

Ethnomethodology is a social research field that uses Participant Observation and Grounded Theory to better understand social order. This research method allows researchers to understand how people interact with one another and how they understand and accept social norms. By observing and talking to people in their natural environment, ethnomethodologists can better understand how people operate and how they come to accept and conform to social norms.

One of the most important applications of ethnomethodology is the study of social hierarchy. By observing how people interact with one another in situations where they are supposed to be equal, ethnomethodologists can better understand how people come to accept and accept social hierarchies. Furthermore, by understanding how people interact, ethnomethodologists can create models of social order that reflect reality more accurately.

Overall, ethnomethodology is a powerful method for understanding social order. By using the methods of Participant Observation and Grounded Theory, ethnomethodologists can get a sense of how people interact and how they accept social norms. This information is then used to create models of social order that are more accurate and reflect reality.

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