Using Graffiti to Help Students Express Opinions and Ideas

Graffiti is a public form of communication with negative connotations. Usually, graffiti is done illegally and to deface public property. But, graffiti can also be a creative way to express strong opinions.

To do this approach, you will need 12-foot butcher paper or 2-6 feet pieces. You will need art supplies like markers, paint, crayons, and colored pencils. You may wish to show your learners examples of graffiti if they are unsure what graffiti is.


1.  Clear a huge space on the floor in the classroom, and place the paper on the floor.

2.  With a broad marker, write the main concept being studied in the center of the paper. For instance, “citizenship.”

3.  Talk with learners about graffiti. Talk about the differences between meaningful graffiti and simple vandalism.

4.  Have the learners to bring a marker or other chosen art supply to the paper.

5.  Have the learners to sit around the paper.

6.  Direct the learner to draw pictures and use words or phrases to express their feelings and knowledge about the concept.

7.  When finished with the artwork, have learners hang their graffiti up in the classroom for all to see.

8.  Learners can work in smaller groups, but working on the floor is key since it takes down boundaries created by working at desks.

9.  Let the learners know that graffiti does not need to be neat. Writing can be upside down, using different angles, and so on.

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