Using Kolb’s Learning Styles To Create Engaging Custom Online Learning Courses

Back in the early 1990s, Kolb’s learning styles theory was introduced to the world by Dr. Kolb. Dr. Kolb’s theory suggests that people have different learning styles, which means that they learn in different ways. According to Kolb, there are five different learning styles: process, product, Reflective, Intrinsic, and Extrinsic.

Now, before we go any further, it’s important to clarify that not everyone has all five learning styles. In fact, only about 25% of people are classified as having a process learning style. And even fewer (around 10%) are classified as having a product learning style.

So, if you’re not one of the lucky 25% who are classified as having a process or product learning style, then you’re probably someone who falls into one of the other four categories. And that’s where using Kolb’s learning styles theory comes in to play.

Using Kolb’s learning styles theory, you can create engaging online learning courses that are tailored specifically to the needs of your students. For example, if you know that your students are predominantly product learners, you can create your courses around product-based material. Or, if you know that your students are predominantly reflective learners, you can create your courses around reflective activities.

The key is to use Kolb’s learning styles theory to create courses that are engaging and relevant to your students. And, by doing so, you’ll be sure to create courses that will help your students improve their skills and knowledge.

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