Using Schoolwide Resources in the Classroom

Check out our list of tips for using school resources in the classroom.

Have learners lead book talks in small groups (literature circles). Book talks are opportunities for learners to discuss the books they are reading. They will learn summarization as well as presentation skills by doing book talks.

Ensure every learner has a dictionary and is secure using it as a resource. If everyone cannot afford to buy a dictionary, you can ask for donations for your classroom.

Emphasize  to the families that there is not a need for the most expensive supplies—the basic supplies will accomplish most tasks.

Every learner must have access to three libraries. 1. School libraries include books related to academics and books that support what is being taught in the classes. 2. Public libraries go beyond the school library and are diverse enough to meet everyone’s needs. 3. Personal libraries consist of what learners really love to read! This library is each learner’s personal choice.

Be in the habit of reading the newspaper in the library. This will save you from buying the newspaper and take you to the library daily.

Introduce yourself to the librarian. They will be a great resource for you and may be more inclined to collaborate with you and your learners personally if she knows you. Partner with the librarian in setting up after-school book clubs for learners.

Ask the librarian to offer help sessions when learners are working on research. Librarians will instruct learners on the best way to search for material on the Internet and throughout the library.

In collaboration with the librarian, create a “Meet the Authors Day” where learners can listen to authors discuss the process of writing and publishing. Learners find this very informative when it ties into their reading and writing.

Once selecting books for learners to read in class, study the authors and their history and writing style. This info will help the learner develop a taste for reading and book selection.

Construct a library of books in your classroom. Ask for bookcases. If you don’t have the supplies at your school, use bricks and boards. Every class should be full of books that learners can use as resources.

Cooperate with others to enrich instruction. Your coworkers are valuable resources. Utilize their knowledge and experience by building relationships, asking questions, and seeking advice.

Several learners are uncomfortable with cooperative and collaborative learning. Attempt to recognize this trait in your more introverted learners and make adjustments.

Team up with your school district grant writer and search for grants extending learning opportunities for you and your learners. If your school district doesn’t have a grant writer, visit your administration about the possibility of hiring a person to write grants.

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